In addition to the article below and for a better understanding how the people of Cape Breton have been deceived, we invite you to read the entry ‘Christian Fellowship Church, Sydney, Nova Scotia’ - listed on the ‘Current Events’ page.
Cape Breton Island is part of the province of Nova Scotia, Canada. The 10,311 km2 (3,981 sq mi) island accounts for 18.7% of the total area of Nova Scotia. Although physically separated from the Nova Scotia peninsula by the Strait of Canso, it is artificially connected to mainland Nova Scotia by the 1,385 m (4,544 ft) long rock-fill Canso Causeway. The island is located east-northeast of the mainland with its northern and western coasts fronting on the Gulf of Saint Lawrence; its western coast also forming the eastern limits of the Northumberland Strait. The eastern and southern coasts front the Atlantic Ocean; its eastern coast also forming the western limits of the Cabot Strait. Its landmass slopes upward from south to north, culminating in the highlands of its northern cape. One of the world's larger salt water lakes, Bras d'Or ("Arm of Gold" in French), dominates the centre of the island.
The total population as of 2001 numbered 147,454 "Cape Bretoners"; this is approximately 16% of the provincial population. Cape Breton Island has experienced a decline in population and according to the Cape Breton Regional Municipality's director of planning the Island has lost 30,000 people, with the mining town of Glace Bay losing about 37% of its' population. Approximately 72% of the island's population is located in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM), which includes all of Cape Breton County and is often referred to as Industrial Cape Breton, given the history of coal mining and steel manufacturing in this area.
Economy and Business
Cape Breton Island has two major coal deposits: the Sydney Coal Field in the southeastern part of the island along the Atlantic Ocean drove the Industrial Cape Breton economy throughout the 19th and 20th centuries—until after World War II its industries were the largest private employers in Canada; the Inverness Coal Field in the western part of the island along the Gulf of St. Lawrence is significantly smaller but hosted several mines.
Sydney has traditionally been the main port, with various facilities in a large, sheltered, natural harbour. It is the island's largest commercial centre and home to the "Cape Breton Post" daily newspaper, as well as two television stations, CBIT-TV (CBC) and CJCB-TV (CTV), and several radio stations. The Marine Atlantic terminal at North Sydney is the terminal for large ferries travelling to Channel-Port aux Basques and seasonally to Argentia on the island of Newfoundland.
Point Edward on the west side of Sydney Harbour is the location of Sydport, a former navy base (HMCS Protector) now converted to commercial use. The Canadian Coast Guard College is located nearby at Westmount. Petroleum, bulk coal, and cruise ship facilities are also located in Sydney Harbour.
Glace Bay is the second largest urban community in population and was the island's main coal mining centre until its last mine ceased operation in the 1980s. Glace Bay served as the hub of the Sydney & Louisburg Railway and also as a major fishing port. At one time, Glace Bay was known as the largest town in Nova Scotia, based on population.
Port Hawkesbury has risen to prominence since the completion of the Canso Causeway and Canso Canal created an artificial deep-water port, allowing extensive petrochemical, pulp and paper, and gypsum handling facilities to be established. The Strait of Canso is completely navigable to Seawaymax vessels, and Port Hawkesbury is open to the deepest-draught vessels on the world's oceans. Large marine vessels may also enter Bras d'Or Lake through the Great Bras d'Or channel whereas small craft have the additional use of the Little Bras d'Or channel or St. Peters Canal. The St. Peters Canal is no longer used by commercial shipping on Cape Breton Island but is an important waterway for recreational vessels.
The industrial Cape Breton area faced several challenges with the closure of the Cape Breton Development Corporation's (DEVCO) coal mines and the Sydney Steel Corporation's (SYSCO) steel mill. In recent years the Island's residents have been attempting to diversify the area economy by investing in tourism developments, call centers, and small businesses, as well as manufacturing ventures in such fields as auto parts, pharmaceuticals, and window glazings.
While the Cape Breton Regional Municipality is in transition from an industrial to a service-based economy, the rest of Cape Breton Island outside of the industrial area surrounding Sydney-Glace Bay has been more stable, with a mixture of fishing, forestry, small-scale agriculture, and tourism.
Tourism in particular has grown throughout the post-Second World War era, especially the growth in vehicle-based touring, which was furthered by the creation of the Cabot Trail scenic drive. Cape Breton Island tourism marketing places a heavy emphasis on its Scottish Gaelic heritage through events such as the Celtic Colours Festival, held each October, as well as promotions through the Gaelic College of Celtic Arts and Crafts.
Whale-watching is a popular attraction for tourists. Whale-watching cruises are operated by numerous vendors from Baddeck to Cheticamp. The most popular species of whale found in Cape Breton's waters is the Pilot whale.
We raised two children and before they were married we used to spend our summer holidays in Cape Breton and we all still cherish many memories of the tranquil coastal scenery and our times in the Cape Breton Highlands. We never would have envisioned twenty five years ago, writing this article about this beautiful piece of God's creation with the wonderful contour of hills, mountains and coastline. But something has changed in the last thirty years and with the collapse of another major industry and employer in the Port Hawkesbury area, many people are starting to question what is happening, as the fabric of their daily lives and the foundation it was built on is being tested. Consider the following.
So, what is the answer?
For more than twenty years we have reached out to Religious and Government leaders and communicated and explained God's message of repentance. During this time we also made the media a key contact but they also ignored our message.
Throughout the history of mankind, God has made it very clear that there are consequences when society indulges itself with falsehood and lies and pursues every imagination of the human mind; adultery, homosexuality, fornication, lasciviousness, idolatry (religion), witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like (Gal. 5:19-21).
Since I worked in the Forestry Industry for a number of years myself, I have witnessed the challenges the industry is facing and for this reason and with the announcement of the closing of the Mill in Port Hawkesbury, I decided recently to write Mr. Darrell Dexter, the Premier of Nova Scotia.
The following is a copy of our communication and we also copied Mr. Charlie Parker, the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry Officials in his Department and key contacts at The Chronicle Herald and Mr. Billy Joe Maclean, the Mayor of Port Hawkesbury and the Cape Breton Post.
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2011 5:15 PM
Subject: Another Wind Blowing
The last time we spoke with your office we proposed a no-cost and common sense approach to improving Health Care Services but even though the Health Care System is facing mounting and increasing costs we did not receive any inquiries from your office or the Minister of Health.
Now there is another wind blowing and it is going through the woodlands of Nova Scotia. Everybody can hear the sound of it but nobody is able to hear where it is coming from or where it is going (John 3:8).
As is often the case when news occurs, everybody in the news media becomes an expert on the subject almost instantaneously and even uses fancy words like 'sustainability' of which they have no knowledge. Rather than concentrating why Newpage purchased the Mill just four years ago and inquire if the Pension Fund is still intact after it has filed for bankruptcy, they involve themselves in reporting on issues of which they have no knowledge.
I contacted several people who had written articles for The Chronicle Herald on the subject and used the following analogy to give them a better understanding of the Forestry Industry in Nova Scotia.
"There once was a farmer who owned 10,000 acres. On his property were valuable trees and one day he decided to cut 500 acres a year over a twenty year period. The farmer only had the resources to replant and manage a third of the trees and he did this for twenty consecutive years. After the twenty years the farmer had now 3000 acres of woodland that had a selection of softwood trees but required another 30 to 50 years of growth to be of any value. The other 7000 acres had been left for natural regeneration and only had limited value other than recreation."
The Province of Nova Scotia is quite unique, in that most productive forest land in Canada is owned by the Crown and leased to private companies, but in Nova Scotia more than 70% of productive forest land is privately owned. In my view the Department of Lands and Forests, even twenty years ago, used a Forestry Management Model, which was unable to support three mills and sustain a wood-industry long-term. Eventually, the inevitable decision will have to be made to shut it down. As I have stated before you cannot have a forestry industry without wood. Statistics on current data are readily available. Just ask the people of Canso, when there is no fish you have no fishing industry. Every fisherman will tell you that the Factory Trawlers from overseas caused overfishing for which the whole industry is still paying a heavy price. Over-harvesting of the Woodlands of Nova Scotia will eventually do the same for the Forestry Industry in Nova Scotia. There are only so many trees to cut.
I commend you for wanting to reach out to the suppliers and contractors of the Mill to ensure that they are getting paid, but it will only provide a short-term solution. It may be a bitter pill to swallow but long-term it would be better served if the Mill remained closed and the Government and people of Port Hawkesbury looked for alternate solutions. The Government cannot continue to subsidize businesses that cannot be profitable without government intervention. Sysco, Coal Mines, Fishing Industry, Forestry Industry, Paper Mills and Call Centers are a good example. It would have been better served if the money had been given to the people of Cape Breton.
As is with the Health Care issue, money is not the answer and therefore we invite you once again to read all the pages and article listed on our website and learn how and by whom mankind has been deceived as confirmed in the Word of God (Rev. 12:9) and what mankind must do to be reunited with God. He is the Only One that is able to provide you with better and improved solutions. Considering the issues you face in dealing with Health-Care, Fishing, Forestry, Marine Services, Agricultural Industry, Education, Environment, Government Debt, etc, etc., perhaps it is time to consider other options. As the Premier of this Province it is your decision to make.
As always we welcome any questions you may have.
In His Service.
Andy & Dianne van den Berg
We started writing this article for our website on October 1, 2011 and at that time we were still awaiting his call and really do not expect any. As the saying goes; you reap what you sow!
We followed our communication to the Premier's office up with a reply to an article on the Pension Fund of the Mill Workers that was written by Roger Taylor, a Business Columnist for The Chronicle Herald. The following is an excerpt from our reply on September 13, 2011.
"…….the information was factual but unfortunately it did not tell the whole story. Here is some more insight.
As you know most Pension Funds invest heavily in the Stock Market and if the stock market loses 50%, so do most Pension Funds. As many corporations struggle financially, they also have been unable to pay into the Pension Fund as required, as they simply don't have the money. NewPage is a good example. This even includes employee as well as company shared contributions.
Here is the real problem, especially with US Companies. When you are financially struggling and banks consider your company a credit risk but you administer a fund that has millions/billions of dollars in an account, it is only human nature to dip into such fund and as a result many corporations and companies have. This even includes Government Pensions. They have been using hundreds of millions/billions of dollars to deal with their cash-shortfall, in the hope that they somehow can recover it through investments (e.g. Stock Market) in the long-term. This will not happen.
In June of this year The US Postal Service announced that they would have to skip the retiree fund payment. It also owes 5.5 billion for its healthcare plan and payment is due on September 30, 2011. Cash is just not available. You will be hearing a lot more about this in the near future.
The future will confirm this troubling picture with Pension Funds and it will escalate with each new day. Many workers in the States have already lost their Pension income and many will find out in the years to come that their Pension Fund has dried up. Many of the Pension Funds also include the Health Care plan for retirees. Governments will no longer be able to afford any shortfall and this will result in a lot of social unrest in the industrialized nations. Yes, I am speaking of riots in the streets and people turning on their religious and political leaders for all their false promises.
How would you like to pay into something for thirty years, only to find out that the company you worked for has misused the money and when you retire there is nothing there, including Health Care Services?
You can learn more about the current state of this world by visiting our website and we welcome any questions you may have.
Andy & Dianne van den Berg
It is noteworthy that our local paper reported on October 4, 2011 about the growing protest on Wall Street. When they reported on the protest it was already in its third week and had spread to twenty one other places where other protests were organized, including: Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, Columbus, Ohio and a Wall Street rally is planned for later this month in Toronto. Labor unions have recently endorsed the Occupy Wall Street movement and joined the protestors.
As mentioned before, we also forwarded a copy of our communication with the Premier to Billy Joe MacLean, the Mayor of Port Hawkesbury but his efforts have been directed to seek any kind of assistance for potential buyers and negotiate reduced power rates from Nova Scotia Power. He was also part of a delegation that met with Government Officials in Ottawa looking for financial assistance, after we had already informed them that money was not the answer.
God Himself came into this world in the Name of Jesus Christ two thousand years ago for three reasons; to reprove (condemn, censure) the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment (John 16:8).
At no time in the history of mankind have we through the electronic media been able to witness God's judgment more convincingly from all around the world, but unfortunately as we have reached out to the people of this world with the Gospel of Christ according to the Spirit of truth for twenty six years, mankind unfortunately continues to prefer darkness rather than light (John 3:19).
The word Repent means much more than what mankind by nature has been made to believe. God teaches us in Revelation 12:9 that this whole world has been deceived and through the information we have provided on our website, we invite you to read all the pages and articles in the hope that you will come to know how and by whom you have been deceived.
The events that have changed the lives for the people of Cape Breton will eventually expand across the mainland of Nova Scotia, Canada, the USA and the rest of the world and many will attest that it already is.
In Cape Breton the unemployment is already higher than the national average and many people are already wondering how to provide for their families in the future. One should not forget that prior to its closure, Government support for Sysco had added over $ 1 billion dollars to the cash-strapped province's debt. Millions more have been added in the aftermath and the environmental clean-up of the Sydney Tar Ponds. Can anyone imagine what more than $ 1 billion dollars could have done for approximately 147,000 people of Cape Breton?
The recent announcement of the closure of the NewPage Mill in Port Hawkesbury and whether or not all or part of the plant or any of the assets will be sold, will not determine the future of the people of Cape Breton. Inevitably, the mill will close and experience the same fate as the mill in Kenora, Ontario and the mills in Stephenville and Grand Falls – Windsor, Newfoundland.
Mill closures have devastated Canada's forest industry. Domtar Inc. and Abitibi-Consolidated, two of the largest players in the Canadian forest industry, announced on October 10, 2006, that they would be closing eight sawmills.
Seven of the eight sawmills are located in the province of Quebec, one in Ontario. The closures will put a total of 1,650 people out of work.
These are just the latest in a wave of mill closures that has been sweeping across the Canadian forest industry in recent years.
Other closures included:
* October 4, 2006, Tembec announced the indefinite shutdown of its mills in Bearn, La Sarre, and Taschereau, Quebec, affecting at least 435 employees.
* October 2, 2006, Weyerhauser announced the shutdown, beginning in the new-year, of two Saskatchewan mills located in the communities of Carrot River and Hudson Bay, putting roughly 300 people out of work.
* October 1, 2006, Kruger Inc. shut down its mill in Longlac, Ontario, putting 350 people out of work and Domtar announced it was laying off 116 employees from its mill in Espanola, Ontario.
* A month earlier Norampac announced the indefinite shutdown of its mill in Red Rock, Ontario, putting nearly 300 people out of work.
This list could go on and on. According to the Globe and Mail, as of the middle of August there had been over 6,000 permanent or indefinite layoffs in the Canadian forest industry in 2006. That number rose eventually to over 8,000.
The Industry has also seen closures in Thunder Bay and Terrace Bay, ON, Squamish, BC and Prince Rupert, SK.
And the total number of layoffs in the industry from 2001 to 2006 was well over 40,000.
The crisis in the Canadian Forest Industry affects many more people than those directly employed by the forest industry. It is estimated that more than two indirect jobs are dependent upon each job in the forest industry.
The history of mankind and the events in Cape Breton the last thirty years and the world are not just a natural sinister phenomena implied by the sexual abuse of the clergy that are slowly bankrupting the church and by the promises made by government and religious leaders, in addition to the unbalanced reporting by the media, but resonates far deeper than anyone can grasp. Confusion and turmoil will continue to dominate the future, not just for the people of Cape Breton, but for most of the world. All things are spiritual and everything has a specific purpose as part of God's plan. You can read more about God's plan in the article 'The Mystery of God Revealed' listed on this website.
When we first reached out to the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church in Nova Scotia and the Diocese of Antigonish our message was met with derision but most people have heard of the events and the history of the church the last twenty years and of the sale of church properties to help pay for the settlement of sexual abuse. It is obvious that our message from more than twenty years ago had been indeed according to the Spirit of truth; whom the world could not receive (John 14:17). As mentioned before you can learn more about this by reading the article 'Sexual Abuse in the Churches' on this website. There are also several items listed on the 'Current Events' page.
We recently responded to some false allegations by a church official and at the same time it allowed us to explain the issue of Church Closures and the doctrine of Celibacy to a number of people, which included senior church officials and the local media. Both of these issues have had a significant impact on the people of Cape Breton and the world.
The following are some excerpts of our communication.
In addition to the church closures we mentioned in our e-mail the following is an excerpt from our communication to Glenn Beck of Fox News on April 7, 2009.
"This past weekend the Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio announced that they were planning to close 52 Churches. The sad part is that they cite declining attendance and the economy as the reason for the closures but as a result of their spiritual blindness they do not understand that the closings are part of God's judgment (1 Cor. 2:14) and that God does not dwell in temples made with hands (Acts 7:48; 17:24) as they prefer to believe in a lie and live in darkness rather than light (John 3;19)."
The following is an excerpt from the Chapter 'The Mystery Babylon' from the book 'A World Deceived'. It is also listed on our website.
"16. The celibacy of the priesthood was decreed by Pope Hildebrand Gregory VII in the year 1079 AD. Jesus imposed no such rules nor did any of the apostles. On the contrary, Peter was married and Paul states that bishops were to have one wife and could have children (1 Tim 3:5,12; Matt 8:14-15)."
The doctrine of celibacy was man-made just 1000 years ago. Prior to then Popes, Bishops and priests were married. It has nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus Christ but is rather a curse to all those that are in bondage to the church. This is what the apostle Paul wrote his son Timothy about the doctrine of celibacy and not eating meats on Friday. Please note that Paul wrote it one thousand years before it became an official doctrine in the Roman church.
"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth (1 Timothy 4:1-3)".
We encourage you to read the whole chapter of 'The Mystery Babylon' and you will learn more of The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth.
The following is an excerpt from the Current Event page of our website
Church Closures
WVOM – 103.9 FM, known as the Voice of Maine, reported on April 3, 2009 that there were 11,000 churches in the United States of America that had been forced to close their doors.
During their broadcast, a number of people that phoned in cited loss of faith, poor leadership and the economy as the reasons. The host of the show also indicated that many more churches would be closing in the future.
For a better understanding of the real reasons and the truth concerning the issue of 'Church Closures', we encourage you read the book A World Deceived and to review and study all of the pages and articles listed on this website.
The media has had an opportunity to communicate our message for the last twenty years but has failed to do so, as they will only report what they want you to hear and how they want you to hear things. They are more interested in providing its readers with distorted and misleading information that is able to sell advertising, rather than a message of truth that is able to direct people on the right path. However, they could have made a difference as God listens to all those that seek His perfect will but they chose not to do so (Matthew 18:18-20).
You can learn more about the failing role of the media in the article 'Influence of the Media' on this website.
A classic example how our local paper deceives its readers is through the articles listed on their religious page, a standard item every Saturday. We have already written about this earlier in the article 'A Thief and a Robber' listed on this website.
The following are a few excerpts of recent communication to give you a better understanding how the local papers communicate falsehood and lies about things they do not understand (1 Cor. 2:14).
You wrote the following on September 24, 2011.
"Children are trusting and forthright, fertile ground for learning about love, as Jesus said."
Jesus never said any such things and once again you stole words (child, love) from the bible of which you have no 'spiritual' knowledge. This is what He did say.
Matthew 18:3,4. Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is the greatest of heaven.
Other readings: Ps. 131:2; Matthew 19:14; Mark 10:14; Luke 18:16; 1 Cor. 14:20; 1 Peter 2:2.
Concerning your use of the word 'love', we know that ye have not the love of God in you (John 5:42).
When a person turns to God for transformation (Romans 12:2) they start the journey of repentance as babies (Matthew 11:25), after God spoon-feeds them for a number of years, they become a child of God and when they grow into adulthood and become wise in the Word (God), He sends them out into the world (Matthew 10:8).
Once again, you are indeed the big phony guy you spoke of in your column, the one with the plastic pony in his pocket, who goes around deceiving people. Your column is after the wisdom of men (1 Cor. 2:4,5) and your column is "In the Spirit of Darkness" and full of falsehood and lies.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and knowledge (Proverbs 1:7).
We also responded to an article recently about 'Judging'. Here is part of our response.
The following is an excerpt from the article 'Judging ~ Born Again' from our website
"People use little snippets out of the Bible, but are unable to understand the spiritual meaning. In fact, the Bible teaches us in John 10:1: Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold is a thief and a robber.
Two phrases that the devil likes to use to confuse the people of this world are: "Judge not, that ye be not judged" and "Born Again".
Jesus Christ used the words "Judge not, that ye be not judged" while he was instructing and teaching the apostles (Matthew 5:1,2). When He taught them about judging others he was referring to their brothers (Matthew 7:3,4). In order for people to be brothers they have to have the same father. We have attempted to explain to you who your father is but as a result of your spiritual blindness you are not able to understand us.
John 8:43,44. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil (your natural spirit), and the lusts of your father ye will do.
John 8:15. Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man. The believers judge after the spirit of man and he that is spritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man (1 Cor. 2:14).
Trust us Jesus Christ (God in the flesh) came into the world to reprove the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment (John 16:8).
Of judgment, because the prince (Satan) of this world is judged (John 16:11; 12:31; Luke 10:8; Eph. 2:2; Col. 2:15; Hebr. 2:14).
Furthermore, unless you repent and turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan (whose spirit you are of) unto God, you have been judged already. You can learn more about the Mystery of God by reading all the pages and articles of our website
One of the silliest articles ever posted by our local paper on its religious page was about 'Dogmatic Theology'. The founder of the program claims that through dog stories people can come to understand God's love for humanity and enter into a relationship with God. It further claims that it can help people understand religious issues such as faith, suffering, sin and grief and at the same time experience God's love. One episode even talks about The Seven Dogly Sins, which starts with the dog's theft of two roast chickens from a convent. The whole thing is laughable of course and is further confirmation how the media deceives the people with false and misleading information.
The following was our response to the writer of the story. Copies were forwarded to senior church officials and key contacts at the newspaper.
"Professing themselves to be wise they became fools. And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things (Romans 1:22,23)."
In His Service.
The above information is meant to show mankind what has taken place in Cape Breton the last thirty years and to put the issues in a spiritual context. The signs of God's judgment are more visible in Cape Breton as a result of its geographical size and the number of people that live there.
However, there are obvious indications that have many convinced that religious and government leaders, along with the media and their ambiguous and fallacious reporting, have failed to address the issues that are really important to the future of Cape Breton, the Province of Nova Scotia, Canada and the world and as mentioned before, the issues resonate far deeper than anyone can imagine. Religion, Government and the Media are all intrinsically connected by the spiritual powers and wisdom of this world (1 Cor. 2:4-8, Eph. 6:12) and it is by their actions that have caused the people to go astray in their earthly peregrination (Isaiah 53:6; 2 Peter 2:15).
The issues and challenges described in this article are not unique to the Island of Cape Breton. We can write similar stories about almost every town in Nova Scotia and the many challenges they face. We have seen several stories of towns facing bankruptcy and while the media eagerly awaits the next story of hardship of a business closure or scandal, involving a religious, government or community leader, they fail to report the only story that can make a difference in the lives of people everywhere.
The Gospel we preach is the same Gospel as it was preached by Christ and the apostles and once again, the future will confirm that our message expressed in this article was according to the Spirit of truth (John 14:17).
The true and living God is the only One that is able to make a difference in your life and cut through all the confusion. He is the only One that is able to open your eyes to the truth and be able to transform your mind and show you what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Romans 12:2) and protect and guide you on the narrow path that leads to His Kingdom (Matthew 7:14).
For this reason our message remains the same: Ye must repent and turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God (Luke 13:2-5; Acts 26:18). It is the same message that was preached by Christ and the apostles. To repent means a lot more than what by nature you have been conditioned to believe and for a better understanding we invite you to read the article 'Repent' on this website. All of the other pages and articles listed on our website will explain how and by whom this whole world has been deceived as confirmed by the Word of God in Revelation 12:9.
Matthew 13:15. For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; least at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
Isaiah 56:6,7. Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near; Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
Seek, and ye will find (Matthew 7:7).
And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me (Matthew 11:6).
We first contacted Mr. Cecil Clarke when he was the Justice Minister for the Province of Nova Scotia. After he was elected Mayor of CBRM (Cape Breton Regional Municipality) on October 20, 2012, we contacted him again in January of 2013 to make him aware of the article 'Cape Breton, Nova Scotia', listed on our website to show and explain the reasons for the many challenges his administration would face.
Below are copies of two emails we forwarded him. Copies were also forwarded to the members of his Council, Senior contacts at the Cape Breton Post, CBC and CTV (ATV). Also copied were the Premier of Nova Scotia and the Leaders of the Opposition, plus members of the Legislature representing Cape Breton, along with the President for the Cape Breton County Economic Development Association. Mr. Geoff Regan is the Member of Parliament that represents our riding. He receives copies of our communication with Government Officials on a regular basis.
The Greater Halifax Partnership is the lead economic development organization for Halifax, Nova Scotia. Their goal is to drive economic development and growth in the city and region. Since many of the challenges that the Halifax Regional Municipality is facing are similar to Cape Breton, we forwarded a copy of our communication with Mr. Clarke to Mr. Fred Morley, Executive Vice President and Chief Economist and Nancy Phillips, Director, Investment and Trade.
---------- Original Message ----------
From: ""
Sent: April 21, 2013 at 8:23 AM
To: Cecil P. Clarke, Mayor of Cape Breton Regional Municipality
Cc: Darrell Dexter, Geoff Regan, Stephen McNeil, Jamie Baillie, Fred Morley. Nancy Phillips, Greg McNeil, Scott MacQuarrie, Anita DeLazzer, Michael J. Savage, Gordie Gosse, Manning MacDonald, Alfie MacLeod, Frank Corbett, Eddie Orrell, Aaron Beswick, Cathy MacIntyre, Clarence Prince, Charlie Keagan, Mae Rowe; Claire Detheridge, Eldon MacDonald, Ray Paruch, Ivan Doncaster, Kevin Saccary, George MacDonald, Darren Bruckschwaiger, Eileen Oldford
Subject: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
Mr. Clarke,
This is in response to yesterday's article 'C.B. Infrastructure crumbling fast' by Aaron Beswick of The Chronicle Herald. Surprised? You should not be. After you became Mayor we invited you to read the article 'Cape Breton, Nova Scotia' listed on our website which explains in detail the history of Cape Breton and the events of the last forty years and the changes that have taken place. Yes, we did forward a copy to Mr. Dexter, Aaron Beswick and others at The Chronicle Herald and reporters of The Cape Breton Post. The first question you should ask newspaper reporters; why they did not report our message, which is the only message that is able to assist people?
We also invited you to meet with us but unfortunately we never heard from you or Mr. Dexter, who has received an invitation to meet with us on a regular basis the last few years.
Mr. Clarke, in summary there is a 'Spiritual' side to the events and challenges you are facing and this is the reason we wanted to meet with you and allow us an opportunity to answer any questions you or others may have.
For a better understanding of the Spiritual and the Natural Body, we invite you to read the article 'The Natural Body vs the Spiritual Body' listed on our website.
We have ministered to the people of this world for twenty eight years and there are those that will attest that the Gospel we preach is the same gospel as it was preached by Christ and the apostles.
As you travel to Halifax this week to meet with Mr. Dexter at the Nova Scotia Legislature looking for some kind of assistance, you will not be able to find any solutions to the challenges you face. The answers are not in the Nova Scotia Legislature or in Ottawa. You know full well that money from the Province or the Feds is scarce and not a long term solution for Cape Breton or the Province.
We don't know if you had an opportunity to read some of the articles in the Herald Magazine yesterday and learn what some people in Cape Breton have to do in order to provide for their families. Is this what you desire for the people of Cape Breton? I remember reading a while ago that unemployment in Cape Breton went up a full percentage point in one month.
So, once again we invite you to meet with us, either over a coffee or if you and Mr. Dexter would like to join us for dinner one evening, we would be pleased to have you join us at our home. We are only twenty minutes from downtown, that is, if there is no traffic (chuckle).
What choice you will make this week will determine the future of Cape Breton and Nova Scotia. In the meantime, we invite you to read all the pages and articles listed on our website and in due course we look forward to hearing from you for the purpose of arranging a meeting that will allow us to explain the only message that can help the people of Cape Breton.
In His Service
Andy & Dianne van den Berg
From: Andy G. van den Berg
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 9:01 AM
To: Cecil P. Clarke, Mayor of Cape Breton Regional Municipality
Cc: Darrell Dexter, Geoff Regan, Stephen McNeil, Jamie Baillie, Fred Morley, Nancy Phillips, Scott MacQuarrie, Anita Delazzer, Michael J. Savage, Greg McNeil, Steve Murphy, Steven Bickley, Kevin Crull, Peter Mansbridge, Tom Murphy, Anna Maria Tremonti, Gordie Gosse, Manning MacDonald, Alfie MacLeod, Frank Corbett, Eddie Orrell, Aaron Beswick, Cathy MacIntyre, Clarence Prince, Charlie Keagan, Mae Rowe, Claire Detheridge, Eldon MacDonald, Ray Paruch, Ivan Doncaster, Kevin Saccary, George Macdonald, Darren Bruckschwaiger, Lowell Cormier, Jim MacLeod, Eileen Oldford
Subject: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia (Part 2)
Mr. Clarke,
Throughout the history of mankind God has sent His messengers with a message of repentance, hope and renewal so that mankind would have no excuse. But history has proven that they were either beaten, imprisoned or in most cases ignored (Matthew 21:33 ff). So has been our journey, as we have proclaimed the truth concerning the true and living God since 1984, and our message is now being communicated and heard throughout the world via our website
As the voice of this world, the local media continues to be an obstacle for us and The Chronicle Herald has even blocked our names and email addresses now to prevent us from communicating with their reporters, in order to correct the false and misleading information they communicate on social issues, i.e., religion, health-care, economics, justice, war and peace, etc., etc. You can read more about this in the article 'Influence of the Media' listed on our website
However, there are those that will attest that we preach the same Gospel as it was preached by Christ and the apostles (Gal. 1:11,12).
We first contacted you when you were Justice Minister for the Province and when you were elected Mayor of CBRM on October 20, 2012 we contacted you again in January of this year to make you aware of the article 'Cape Breton, Nova Scotia' on our website to show and explain the reasons for the many challenges your administration would face.
After the article by Aaron Beswick of The Chronicle Herald of the crumbling infrastructure of Cape Breton, we decided to remind you of our earlier communication and to remind you that there was a spiritual side to the story. We emailed you on April 21, 2013 but our invitation to meet with you was totally ignored.
Since you do not believe that there is a spiritual side to your dilemma let me take the direction as a Business Consultant, to show you with worldly wisdom what is failing with the infrastructure in Cape Breton. You must know that most problems always start at the 'top' and yes it has to do with money, the root of all evil (1 Tim. 6:10) and the mismanagement thereof by politicians.
1) When I tried to do a follow up to our email on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 there was nobody that answered the telephone in the Mayor's Office. After repeated tries, I contacted the information line and was given the name of your Executive Assistant - Mark, and the number to his direct line.
2) Mark did not answer his phone either, so I decided to leave a message but he never returned our call either.
3) Even if you do not understand our message, as a democratically elected public official you have a moral obligation to acknowledge any communication, especially something that offers a solution for the people of Cape Breton. The same goes for Mr. Dexter or any other politician. If we write Stephen Harper and Mr. Dexter and offer them a solution to the rising Health-Care costs, they do have a moral obligation to at least ask questions, in view of the millions of dollars they spent on consultants. If you wonder what is wrong with the infrastructure in Cape Breton, let us assure you that it starts with your office, which by the way is not your office but it belongs to the people. They have just given it to you for a few years and allow you to use it to serve the people.
4) You seem to be more interested in Photo Ops with the Mayor from HRM, your Provincial Colleagues and the media than looking into alternative options that may offer solutions.
5) We don't know what kind of business experience you had before you entered politics but if you applied the principals of how you run the Mayor's Office to the running of a private business, it would not survive for very long, especially if you continue to seek resources from others to pay your bills.
6) The history of Cape Breton has been marred in government subsidies, that has now reached epidemic proportions as a result of uncontrollable and free-fall spending by politicians everywhere, who seem to know no limits.
7) If politicians had run the Province, Cape Breton or any Municipality or Town like a private business, they would have not had to deal with the fiscal dilemma they are dealing with now. There is however a big price to be paid now for man's greed with no chance of recovery.
8) The general population has come to recognize that government officials with all of their false promises have been self-serving and looking after themselves and their own interests rather than the peoples. Even after retirement they appoint themselves to cushiony jobs with high incentives, paid expenses, all kinds of perks, pensions, etc. They never have to worry how to make ends meet like the average person.
9) Once again you showed up at the Provincial Trough on Wednesday, April 24, 2013, looking for more money and if you are successful and arrange to receive additional funds from the Province and Ottawa this year, what do you plan to do when that money is spent? Do you continue to visit the trough for more money, over and over? What if you find out in the future that there is no longer any money to be handed out?
10) We know that we live at a time of judgment that God is showing right from wrong and that people are paying a big price for ignoring God's message of repentance as taught by the Word of God and as explained on our website
11) What did it cost for you, your staff and some members of your council to come to
Halifax, a trip that offered no long-term solutions?
12) It would cost you nothing to let the reporters of The Cape Breton Post know that the article 'Cape Breton, Nova Scotia' listed on our website offers the only explanation and solution for the people of Cape Breton. If the media continues to be an obstacle and prevent you from our voice to be heard, we would be pleased to compose an ad that would cost you less than your recent trip to Halifax. Also our advice to you and the members of your council is that you don't look for your newspaper reporters to provide you with any solutions or answers. Their empty opinions and inane articles on social issues have ruined society.
13) The day will come that there will be no more invitations, as our work will point us into a different direction and you will have wished then that you had listened to the only voice that could have made a difference.
14) Now that we have given you an opportunity to show through worldly wisdom what the problems are, it is our hope that you will come to the understanding that our message of repentance (please study what it means) is the only solution and hope for the people of Cape Breton.
15) Just this morning it was learned that Spain has an unemployment rate of 27%. This was unimaginable and unthinkable just ten years ago. In 2008 it was only 8.6%. If you don't think that God's judgment is visible, just ask the people of Spain, and if you think that the unemployment rate in Cape Breton will not rise to 27% - think again.
16) You may be able to ignore our communication but you will not be able to ignore God's judgment. It is unfortunate that you have allowed the people of Cape Breton to become part of God's judgment. It is our view that you should give them the opportunity and let them decide what direction to take.
17) In closing we would like to quote a business operator from Cape Breton, whom we spoke with last year. His family depends on the operation of a seasonal business that he normally opens at the long weekend in May and closes after Thanksgiving weekend. Last year he was forced to close it up after Labour Day weekend in early September, after just three months, as it cost him more to keep it open than it would generate in revenue.
As part of our conversation he informed us, that the politicians in Cape Breton continue to give out hundreds of millions of dollars for failing businesses. He further indicated that this is a disease in Cape Breton that everybody has succumbed to and only those in the political arena and those with the right political connections will be able to survive. His fear is that many families will eventually have no choice but to leave Cape Breton in order for them to be able to survive.
The above were not our comments but by someone that was born in Cape Breton and that is desperately trying to look after his family.
In last weekends Herald Magazine, they focused on some folks from Cape Breton who have been forced to live separately from their families and work elsewhere (Alberta). In your view; what article do you think is more important, our article 'Cape Breton, Nova Scotia', listed on our website or any of the articles that were listed in The Herald Magazine? We would be interested in your opinion. Do you possibly think, that is why The Chronicle Herald has our names and email addresses blocked?
In order for people to be able to understand how and by whom they have been deceived as confirmed in Revelation 12:9, our recent communication will be added to the article 'Cape Breton, Nova Scotia', listed on our website
Seek, and ye shall find (Matthew 7:7).
In His Service
Andy & Dianne van den Berg
SYDNEY — During a wide-ranging discussion on February 7, 2014, on the province’s fiscal position regarding the state of small business and economic development opportunities in Cape Breton, the Cape Breton Post hosted an editorial board with the province’s Finance Minister Diana Whalen.
While visiting Cape Breton she also met with a group of high school students and the following is a copy of our response to the Minister of Finance and her comments about job opportunities in Cape Breton.
From: Andy G. van den Berg
Sent: February 8, 2014
To: Diana C. Whalen, Minister of Finance
Cc: Margaret MacDonald, Jason Kontak, Denise Madore, Alison MacIsaac, Joan Collier, Cecil P. Clarke - Mayor of Cape Breton Regional Municipality, Stephen McNeil - Premier, Jamie Baillie, Tom Murphy, Steve Murphy, Peter Mansbridge, Anna Maria Tremonti, Leah Noble, David Burke, Steve Sutherland, Amy Smith, Hal Higgins, Leo Glavine - Minister of Health, Scott MacQuarrie, Anita DeLazzer
Subject: They need to have more jobs
Ms. Whalen,
This is in response to an article in the Chronicle Herald this morning and your comments to students at a Sydney high school that they need more jobs in Cape Breton.
The following is an excerpt from our communication with Cecil Clarke of April 21, 2013 and posted in the article 'Cape Breton, Nova Scotia', listed on our website
"As you travel to Halifax this week to meet with Mr. Dexter at the Nova Scotia Legislature looking for some kind of assistance, you will not be able to find any solutions to the challenges you face. The answers are not in the Nova Scotia Legislature or in Ottawa. You know full well that money from the Province or the Feds is scarce and not a long term solution for Cape Breton or the Province."
We also wrote him the following.
Even though our message was according to the Spirit of truth (John 14:17), you may be surprised to learn that Mr. Clarke did not even have the courtesy to acknowledge our correspondence or accept our invitation to meet with him. We also never heard from Darrell Dexter, Stephen McNeil, Jamie Baillie or members of the local media. Can you imagine, considering the challenges Governments face when it comes to the Imploding Health-Care System, that they are not even interested in a long-term solution when it comes to that issue either. We invite you to read the last entry on the Current Events page of the website 'Cancer cases to rise 57% in 20 years in imminent 'human disaster'.
More than 40% of the Provincial Operating Budget is currently spent on Health-Care. Can you imagine what it would mean if the Government could save even 1% of the 3.9 billion dollars that they have budgeted for Health-Care and what the cost of Health-Care will be twenty years from now? Would you want to be the Finance Minister then or the Minister of Health?
The following is an excerpt of our email to Stephen Harper of February 6, 2014. Stephen McNeil, Jamie Baillie, the Federal and Provincial Health Ministers, along with many other Politicians received a copy also, but they still have not been able to locate the 'reply' button on their communication devices.
Please find below a copy of our email to Christopher Wild, Director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer in response to the recent report by the WHO that Cancer is to increase by 57% in twenty years and they forecast it to become a human disaster. Also copied were the WHO and individuals with the United Nations, whom we recently communicated with about their report on the Vatican policies that allowed priests to rape tens of thousands of children. You will be able to locate the article on our website
Trust us, since the posting of the article 'Cape Breton, Nova Scotia' on our website, hundreds of people read the article each month and the inactions by the local and Provincial Governments, including the continued silence by the media (in the hope that we go away), only reverberates some of the comments and correspondence we receive from the people in Cape Breton and across the Province. The Chronicle Herald (our local paper) took their 'silence' one step further and blocked our email addresses more than one year ago, so we no longer would be able to contact their reporters and respond to their false and misleading reports on religion, child-sex abuse in the churches, health-care, politics, religious and political scandals, etc. etc.
Since the launch of our website in 2005 it has been the number one Listing on Google out of over 13 million results, along with a number of our articles, and was visited last month by people from over 60 countries. It is unfortunate that most people do not start their search and look for answers, till they are confronted with some form of hardship or some form of calamity strikes, as is evident by the number of people from the Ukraine that visit our website. For the last 12 months it has been number three in the number of visitations, after the USA and Canada.
How you will respond to our email is once again your choice to make, but if you are concerned about the people in Nova Scotia and if Politicians truly claim to serve the people, then we look forward to hearing from you. If Government leaders, religious leaders, and the media continue their silent treatment, while deceiving the people with false and misleading information about social issues, then I am sure you will be hearing from us again in the future. Trust us, we are longsuffering (Gal. 5:33, Eph. 4:2; Eph. 3:12; 1 Tim. 1:16) and so is God (Romans 9:22). In the meantime don't expect your plight to improve.
It is our hope that all of mankind will come unto the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4) and for this reason a copy of this email will be added to the article 'Cape Breton, Nova Scotia' and posted on our website in the near future.
We welcome your questions.
In His Service.
Andy & Dianne van den Berg
On January 29, 2015 The Chronicle Herald featured an article, which confirmed how mankind pursues every solution under the sun without being able to come up with any answers. It also confirms how people prefer darkness over light (John 3:19) and how they continue to seek their own righteousness rather than the righteousness of God (Romans 10:3).
The following is a brief summary of the article.
CBRM council seeks input on post-austerity budget
SYDNEY — Mayor Cecil Clarke says that after living with two years of austerity budgets, taxpayers in Cape Breton Regional Municipality will be asked about economic development priorities at meetings starting Sunday.
Last year, council implemented a reorganization plan that included cutting 30 staff positions, closing citizen service centres and laying off a number of school crossing guards. A plan to chop transit service by a third is still in the works.
“I’m hoping that our operating efficiencies will have us to the point that we can hold the line (this year),” said Clarke. “At the same time, we’ve got other questions. If we’re going to be leading in a more larger manner and a more focused manner on economic development, what’s that going to require for us to do and who do we engage to do that?
“Currently we have an economic development manager, but there is no department, there is no team effort. And that’s something we’ll be looking to the public to get what their expectations are, or how they want us to deal with it, because it’s going to involve decisions around the budget itself.”
For example, he said, the municipality doesn’t even spend one per cent of its $140-million budget on economic development. If it did, that would mean $1.4 million targeted at boosting the local economy.
“The question then becomes for the public, what is the amount?” said Clarke. “What do they expect from us? Because if you’re going to do that work, you’re going to make that a priority to spend the money on that.
“We have not done that at this point, but it’s going to be essential as we go forward to do just that.”
The first public budget meeting is Sunday from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Sydney Mines Fire Hall on Elliott Street. Another will follow from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Armstrong Memorial Branch 19, Royal Canadian Legion, on Archibald Avenue in North Sydney. A complete list of meetings, to be held in each district, is available at
The budget is expected to be ready to go to council at the end of March."
When Politicians run for Office they will make every promise they can think of to get into office, but it doesn't take too long before they come to the realization that they deal with the same issues as the previous administration.
Once they come to the knowledge that there are no solutions, they involve the general public by consulting with them (public meetings), in a vain attempt to wash their hands off any responsibility.
As reported by the Cape Breton Post on January 30, 2015, Mayor Cecil Clarke said that a recent trip to Ottawa to promote Cape Breton Island can only result in good things for the island. The paper also reported that shortly after his return from the trip, Clarke said this year's Cape Breton Day in the nation's capital was an unqualified success.
"I feel great about the trip," the Cape Breton Regional Municipality mayor had said. "It was a very intense schedule over a couple of days. When you add it all up, it's a lot of great work effort — the real value of going is that there is just no way you'd get that many ministers, officials, prime minister's office people to (come to) Cape Breton so that was the reason behind this." All of the above are great swelling words and the trip may have made the Mayor feel great but it served no purpose. He did not say that his recent trip was merely intended to spend time with Federal Bureaucrats.
About 50 community, business and political leaders descended upon Ottawa on Wednesday, January 28, 2015.
If the Mayor was that concerned about another austerity budget, may we remind him that the trip was another waste of taxpayer's money and it would have been better served if he had stayed home with his associates and allocate the monies spent on the trip towards improving services and programs, rather than wasting money on another trip and by trying to convince the people of Cape Breton that the trip somehow served a purpose.
The Mayor's most recent excursion and the report by the Cape Breton Post was merely an attempt to further deceive the people of Cape Breton that somehow it would improve the economy of Cape Breton and the lives of the people of Cape Breton. It should be noted that in the 18-month period since winning the October 2012 mayoral election, Clarke has taken 43 business trips and doled out $57,569.89 on conferences, travel and other related expenses. The Mayor and the Councillors also receive a $140 per week gas allowance, which amounts to $7280 per annum, and no receipts are required.
Even if the Mayor and Councillors go on vacation for two weeks or more, they will continue to receive the allowance. One third of the Mayor's and Councillor's salary is tax-exempt and is to cover travel expenses for municipal politicians in their district. It seems that the Mayor and Councillors are being compensated twice for their travel. No wonder the Mayor refers to the budget as an 'austerity' budget. Also, the tax exemption and gas allowance described above are not available to the people of Cape Breton but are only available to the exclusive club of the Mayor and the Councillors.
Since they are speaking of an 'austerity' budget it should be mentioned that they announced this morning (2-4-2015) the appointment of Marlene Usher (another Federal Bureaucrat) as CEO of the Port of Sydney Corporation at an annual salary of $200K. What was wrong with the current structure and all those that currently hold management positions at the Sydney Ports Corporation? There was no public discussion of the new port structure and all of it was dealt with behind closed doors. So much for Public Consultation on a new budget!
The following was our response to the Mayor of CBRM and his Councillors and his latest challenge to deal with another budget. In our email we spoke of two files. One file highlighted the Aquaculture and Forestry Industry, Health-Care Services and the Shipbuilding program. The second file highlighted our communication and response to the Ray Ivany Report. Both files are available upon request.
---------- Original Message ----------
From: ""
To: "Clarke, Cecil P."
Cc: "Merritt, Michael" , "Saccary, Kevin" , "Detheridge, Claire" , "Prince, Clarence" , "Ayers, Tom" , "MacQuarrie, Scott" , "DeLazzer, Anita" ,,,,,,,,,,, "MacLeod, Alfie" , "Orrell, Eddie"
Date: January 30, 2015 at 12:10 PM
Subject: People without Vision
Even though we are in Florida, we read the piece in The Chronicle Herald and we are sorry that as a result of your personal decision to ignore us, you are not able to hear our voice.
Proverbs 29:18. Where there is no vision, the people perish (Amos 8:11).
Unfortunately, there is no one in Cape Breton that has the vision, fortitude and acumen to be able to bring about a recovery. Also, you continue to consult the wrong people while seeking solutions that will not work.
We like to remind you of the article 'Cape Breton, Nova Scotia' listed on our website, which describes the current state of the lives of the people of Cape Breton and what can be expected in the future.
Also, we have attached a file that speaks of a number of industries in Nova Scotia and a file documenting our communication to the different people in response to the Ray Ivany Report.
The following is an excerpt from our communication to you of April 21, 2013, and posted on our website in the article 'Cape Breton, Nova Scotia'.
Unfortunately, you continue to make all the wrong decisions and your stubbornness (Jeremiah 5:3; 7:28; 32:23) will prove to be a disaster for the people of Cape Breton. Notwithstanding, as always, we welcome your questions.
In His Service.
Andy & Dianne van den Berg -
The Cape Breton Post has been a regular recipient of much of our communication about the issues facing the people of Cape Breton.
Like most newspapers, they allow people to post comments on their website in response to some of their articles. Please find below a copy of our email to Chris Shannon, reporter for the paper and four comments that were posted in response to his article about the new Port of Sydney Corporation.
---------- Original Message ----------
From: ""
To: "Shannon, Chris"
Cc: "Merritt, Michael" , "Clarke, Cecil P." , "MacQuarrie, Scott" , "DeLazzer, Anita" , "MacLean, Billy Joe" , "Ayers, Tom"
Date: February 6, 2015 at 10:42 AM
Subject: Problems in Cape Breton?
We know very well the reasons why the Cape Breton Post ignores our voice, which is according to the Spirit of truth (John 14:17). To learn about the real reasons you just need to listen to the people of Cape Breton. Please find below a copy of a few submissions to your paper that will be added to our article along with our comments.
Trust us it is the Politicians and the local media (Anita DeLazzer & Scott MacQuarrie) that are at the root of the problem that has created the economic climate in Cape Breton. People like Billy Joe MacLean do not help the cause either. His recent comments in The Chronicle Herald about Marlene Usher, and her new position with the new Port of Sydney Corporation is confirmation thereof.
Have you not learned yet that the media only reports what they want you to hear and how they want you to hear things?
Writing lies and deceit cannot help the people of Cape Breton!! Where you see Politicians and the Media, the only thing you are able to see is 'corruption'. Didn't you know that Politics is all about money, and trust us money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10) and Politicians never seem to have enough of it. From hereon in may we suggest you just listen to the people. Best regards.
Andy & Dianne van den Berg -
Cecil Dumping This File - February 06, 2015.
Sydney Port development? CBRM residents should be aware that the development of Sydney harbour will not include a lucrative container terminal - that pipe dream has died. No, any development at all, will be limited to dirty industrial activity such as a major coal dump and ship disposal (think MV Miner); you know, things Halifax doesn't want any part of. That's why Cecil Clark has handed the file over to the new $200,000 CEO - there's no glory to be had anymore with the "Sydney Port" file.
Mary - February 05, 2015.
It is pretty telling that Membertou Chief Paul needs to educate the CBRM Mayor about the risk of accepting the harbour lots without an agreement that the feds remediate the environmental mess. It is shameful that the CBRM mayor seems so lacking in capacity once people look past the meaningless bafflegab. An empty suit.
No Delivery - February 05, 2015.
Clarke has not delivered a single thing. Not one job except to his political buddies. Otherwise, there are countless closed businesses on his watch, from Sykes and the Co-op to even KFC and the bowling lanes. Everywhere closed businesses. And he hasn't paved a road or built a single thing. Now he has obviously given up on the container port. He has delivered nothing but empty talk. The worst mayor ever.
George - February 05, 2015.
I agree Clarke is one of the worst mayors ever but what is more important is this harbour deal is a complete train wreck and he appears not to have a clue about the issues. He is committing CBRM to ridiculous environmental liability (he would have already did this except Chief Paul intervened before a disaster happened). And he is taking over the Harbour when there is no clear way to raise revenue to pay for it. The Courts have said ONLY the federal Crown can charge harbour fees so the is no real way for CBRM or the Sydney Port Corporation to raise the revenues needed to fund port services and operations. The harbour transfer is a train wreck if it ever happened and these guys should be asked hard questions to avert a complete disaster.
Cecil Clarke, the mayor of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality issued his own personal ultimatum a year ago – deliver on his goals over the next year or step down.
“If I have not achieved my goal of growing this municipality and achieving success, then by this time next year I’ll do the proper thing parliamentary-wise and I’d resign,” said Cecil Clarke.
Clarke made the remarks after his travel expenses were posted on the CBRM website. They showed Clarke has spent more than $73,000 on travel since being elected in October 2012. About $16,000 of that came from a separate fund for port development.
A year later the Mayor met with his council for three and a half hours in a closed-door session, which a few days later was followed-up with a luncheon speech, that was attended by 250 of mostly supporters, who paid $34.50 to have lunch with him at a local hotel. After he delivered his speech, we followed some of the media reports on local TV, and interviews and articles that were posted in several papers.
Please find below a copy of an email to the Mayor and comments that were posted on the Cape Breton Post website in response to several articles.
From: Andy G. van den Berg
Sent: Saturday, June 06, 2015 9:17 AM
To: Cecil P. Clarke
Subject: CBRM Council
CBRM Council can be likened to 12 puppets who will dance to any music played by the Mayor (and that behind closed doors), but who refuse to dance to the people’s music who elected them.
..........hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? (1 Cor. 2:20)
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God (1 Cor. 3:19).
Our message of repentance is the only message that can make a difference for the people of Cape Breton and we invite you to study what it means. Your silence and the request by some Councillors and Port Workers to have their names removed from our mailing list was no surprise. This included Marlene Usher, who is more concerned about her position and rich salary (how much?), than taking the time to ask a few intelligent questions that can help the people of Cape Breton. The foundations of Cape Breton must be still shaking over her patronage appointment. What is on her resume to deserve that job, your worship? Perhaps the Cape Breton Post can do some investigative reporting. We hear they are real professionals at it, when it comes to local Politicians and Politics. How the Councillors approved the appointment of Marlene Usher and that of Michael Merritt should be the next question! That definitely must have been the time that they were dancing behind closed doors and nobody dared to speak. The decision by some to have their names removed from our mailing list will only add to God’s judgment (Matthew 7:26,27; John 9:39; 12:31; 16:8; Romans 5:18). As is recorded in the Word of God, only fools despise wisdom and instruction (Proverbs 1:7).
We have copied other people as ‘Undisclosed Recipients’ this time, so they do not have to fear for their position or any intimidation.
In His Service.
Andy & Dianne van den Berg –
The following are comments that were posted on The Cape Breton Post website in response to recent articles on developments in Sydney, Nova Scotia. A total of 50 comments were posted but we have chosen 24 that we thought were most relevant.
Recent Comments:
June 03, 2015 - 18:29
I've been living in north Sydney for 35 yrs and have never worked a day in this town. I've traveled far away for work and missed a lot of my children's lives. When I heard about this speech I was very excited thinking me or my boys could find employment closer to home. Needless to say I am one upset tax payer and will be looking at relocating to another town soon..
June 03, 2015 - 16:37
If the MacKeil wants to lease a property, why not just lease it from the current owner. Why would CBRM have to buy it first?
June 03, 2015 - 15:51
Sooooooo much of nothing than. Another study. Yikes. What has he been doing travelling all over the place? Governments should have to show real results for "trade missions" and "economic development" activities. Maybe it's all under one of those non-disclosure agreements he like to talk about.
conservative nomination meeting
June 03, 2015 - 15:50
I am looking at the people in the room from the picture its looks like a conservative nomination meeting not a mayor to his voters. He packed the room with his own people, omg !!!!!!
June 03, 2015 - 15:30
Apparently to our mayor anyone who has critic is questions from the cheap seats", meaning that they are not worth listening too, only big money gets a vote. All this fluff on the port and unachievable dreams, but for those who noticed there was a trend....downtown Sydney. Does he not release he his mayor of a much bigger area. What about Glace Bay, New Waterford, the entire Northside (oh wait he sold our park to a ship destruction company to pollute the harbour and make a few guy rich over there). He is a failure, and his ego is so big he things people can be fooled again. Nobody is being fooled here Cecil
June 03, 2015 - 14:35
After one year of travel and meeting expenses, consultants and studies, we had the "big positive port" announcements by His Worship. The results were: an application to Lisa Raitt for a million grant to market the port, opened real dialogue with CN to maintain the rail line on the island, commissioned another feasibility terminal study, take CBRM taxpayer money to purchase 24 acres to give a lease to McKiel Marine, a plan to talk to the Provincial and Federal Governments to obtain P3 funds to relocate the NSCC campus and provincial offices to the downtown and a plan to give a two year exclusive marketing rights to another "snake oil" port consultant. These are the reasons presented for this Mayor to stay "on the ice". We will need more than prayers to survive this guy's mandate.
June 03, 2015 - 14:04
A des ability study by an engineering firm isn't progress. If I have the money they will do a disability study for growing grass on asphalt. This is a delay tactic to try to save a sinking ship, the designation the other day is a direct link to this study. Clarke is bluffing to save his office. This is not progress this is a delay to the inevitable
June 03, 2015 - 12:54
"Proposal", "feasibility", "study". We have heard these words many times before. He vowed to quit and used this so called speech to keep his job for another year. Let private industry develop CBRM. Just stay out of their way and work on infrastructure improvement other than the damn port !
Tired of it all
June 04, 2015 - 15:09
My dear mother is very, very wise. She used to say to us, ' just because you have an education, just make you a smart person. It depends on what you do with that education'. She always said, "a fool with an education, is just an educated fool'. I can't help but think that what my mother always said rings true here in this case.
Staged Crowd
June 04, 2015 - 14:22
If you scan yesterday's audience for the luncheon you can't help but to notice that over half were employees of CBRM, council, Library, agencies receiving funding from CBRM. I hope tax payers are not paying for their lunches or that they claim the lunch as an eligible expense against their subsidized budgets.
June 04, 2015 - 11:42
Cecil Clarke should have had respect for the people of the CBRM and held this announcement in a public place . Not at a $34.50 lunch at a hotel. For those who did attend and pay the price you got nothing but BS to chew on. I wonder who will be up and running in the next election.
June 04, 2015 - 09:46
How does developing a port in Sydney make any sense when the port of Halifax is operating at minimal capacity and according to their website... “Halifax has capacity to more than triple its current container volume with minimal expansion and efficiency upgrades, Halifax could handle 2.5 million TEUs.” They have a functioning rail line and are 500km closer to the rest of Canada’s high population urban centers.
Feeling Insulted
June 04, 2015 - 08:53
A slap in the face to many citizens of the CBRM. To assume that everyone could afford the $34.50 to attend . To assume that everyone has a computer to watch a live stream on YouTube? Cecil Clarke owes an apology to the citizens and should have had his announcement at a facility where anyone from the region could have attended. By holding such a meeting and charging at the door is simply wrong for the Mayor to have done.
Pipe Dreams
June 04, 2015 - 09:07
What are u smoking? We have the highest unemployment in the nation and businesses in Sydney are dropping like flies and spending more money the CBRM doesn't have on land and studies isn't the answer. If someone needs Sydport land then let them buy it.
June 04, 2015 - 07:59
These announcements don't add up. Something is wrong and being covered up. CME who bought Archibald's Wharf gets a contract to work on tugs owned by McKeil Marine and then turn it over to East Coast Metal (Sydport). Why not do this contract at a facility in North Sydney? McKeil wants to set up a base here(good News). but require land and or a building to do such. The cash Strapped CBRM is going to buy more land from Sydport (they already paid $6 million a few years back for land over there). They are then going to lease it to McKeil Marine. Why does McKiel need land over at Sydport to base some tugboats? Why does McKeil not lease it right from East Coast Metal? It seems that the CBRM is going to pay for a new paint building for East Coast Metal. OK. Next 2 investors have spend 1.2 million of there own money on Harbour Development. Where did they spent it? These companies have websites that seem to sell consultation services. We already had a consultant hired who said that a Container Terminal would never happen and now we are going to pay for another. So now the big announcement that seems to have started last week with a letter to the NS government. Build a New Multi Million Dollar Library to kick start the Downtown. And how do we get this Library? By building a new campus for NSCC. A great idea to go after Federal and Provincial money, but build something like an Aquarium anything rather than duplicating something we already have
June 04, 2015 - 07:34
What came out of yesterday's bluster you ask? $1.2 million (taxpayers) to East Coast Metals (Jim Kehoe and gang) for a parcel of land that may or may not create 'new' jobs in the tugboat repair business. I hazard to guess that East Coast Metals/McKeil Marine were able to put this together and bring it directly to the mayor's office for approval........The headline should read, "East Coast Metal Fabricators To Get New Paint Shop"......end of story. Now it's just up to the council to sign on the dotted line........
June 04, 2015 - 06:34
Another $650,000 study on top of the previous $150,000 study that screamed "full stop"! Amazing. Clarke will have jumped to a new life line before that comes back and tells us "while there is potential; it is perhaps decades into the future". The same with the "idea" of the waterfront development - wow, why not? Well because both the CBRM and the Province don't have the money to do it or else it would have been on after the last provincial election or the one before that. The bottom line - remove the Mayor from these files and nothing of consequence would have happened one way or the other. And the railway – lol! That Barenaked Ladies song comes to mind “If I had a Billion dollars”.
June 05, 2015 - 08:24
It just doesn’t make any sense to develop a port here. People are not trying to be negative…they are using reason. The port of Halifax is operating at minimal capacity, they have a functioning rail line and are hundreds of kilometres closer to the rest of Canada’s high population urban centers. Halifax is also ice free year round. Sydney becomes clogged with ice and almost impossible for most ships during winter months. That is why the French selected Louisbourg over 300 years ago.
June 05, 2015 - 07:39
Mr Sheehy, it sounds like the money you spent was more of a world wide globe trotting adventure. You have spent a million dollars of your own money, the people of CBRM has spent much more than that and has received nothing in return except empty promises and non disclosure clauses. If you or the Mayor can give us the names of the provincial and federal government officials that are on board with this project that would help the taxpayers of CBRM get rid of their negativity. WE are paying for a CEO 200,000 a year for a port that is not even there. At least you got to see the world with your money, the taxpayers only get to pay the bills and in return get poor services.
June 05, 2015 - 06:52
I try not try not to be negative also .....but on this subject I am...Cape Breton having a major port in Sydney just DOESENT make sense....Halifax isn't far by ship...New York ...Boston....Philly.....not too far me WHY a ship would stop here...unload its cargo to have it put on a train to be shipped elsewhere......Sorry Sir but I think you and your associates spent 1 Million on a snake oil project.
Skeptical 101
June 05, 2015 - 06:38
Mr Sheehy the reason we can seem negative is based on over 18 years of chasing this pipe dream. The CBRM hired a consultant that reported we will never get a Container Terminal and if a person researches other consultant reports on the internet, it seems to be true. We are too far away from the market place. Montreal, Halifax and even Boston are having a tough time reaching their potential. With a harbour that freezes over in the winter and a Railway that would need millions to be brought up to safe operating condition, I ask why would a company want to come here. The railway bridge in Grand Narrows would have to be replaced to handle double stacked railway cars. Have you seen the size of that bridge and did you know it sits in 90 feet of water? If a company was enticed to come this far North a far better choice would be Port Hawkesbury. Another reason we seem negative is Local politics. One only has to look at the handling of the Archibald's Wharf sale, the hiring of a Port Authority @ $200,000.00/yr.CBRM buying the green-space at Sydport for $6 million and now going to buy more land over there for $1.2 million. The Mayor held a press conference with a lot of ideas and the only one that I see them achieving is the million dollars from Lisa Rait to market the port. After all it is an Election year. Alot of consultants will be trying to get that million dollars. Until I see something positive or concrete being poured I will remain lets say Skeptical.
June 04, 2015 - 22:40
Mr Sheehy, please understand, long before you came here for this project CBRM made tons on empty promises and followed through with non of them. Since then costs of living have gone up, more outmigration has occurred in order to survive, and people are desperate for a positive change. The local politicians are most times in over their heads and will offer us the world to get elected, more empty promises. You have all the slack in the world, just show the CBRM movement, development and job creation. Can you blame the people for being cenacle after being fed non sense. The people want fact not fiction.
June 04, 2015 - 21:22
There can be a large gap between an operation being a success for it's owners and being a success for the people of the CBRM. On an island that has suffered from getting pumped-and-dumped many times in the past, it becomes an easy for residents to flip flop between cautious optimism and pessimism. Ultimately it comes down to actions and tangible results. There's benefits to discussing a barn, but at the end of the day you still have to get it raised.
Another major story developing in CBRM is the story surrounding the sudden resignation of John Whalley, who was the Regional Economic Development Officer for CBRM and who suddenly quit his job after eighteen years.
His resignation came just days before the Mayor made his recent luncheon speech on future development in Sydney, Nova Scotia. Councillor Ray Paruch now intends to have former economic development officer John Whalley appear before council to find out why he suddenly quit, just days before the mayor was set to announce new projects around the port of Sydney.
The following is a copy of our email to Councillor Paruch and some of his associates on Council.
From: Andy G. van den Berg
Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2015 8:45 AM
To: Ray Paruch; Mae Rowe; Eldon MacDonald; Ivan Doncaster; Lowell Cormier
Subject: In addition
Good Morning! In addition to arrange for an Exit-Interview with John Whalley before Council, may we suggest that you also make a request for an Independent Audit of the ECBC (Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation) from 2007 – Present. You will be surprised to learn where all the money has gone and how much. If you are concerned about the people of Cape Breton and the political climate, you should make this request a priority without delay, as it will reveal the real reasons what has gone awry in Cape Breton. For your information, after having been the recipient of much of our communication regarding Cape Breton for many years, Anita DeLazzer, Publisher and General Manager for the Cape Breton Post, finally emailed us for the first time yesterday and requested to have her name removed from our mailing list. We did confirm the removal of her name from our mailing list.
We welcome your questions.
Andy & Dianne van den Berg –
It would be impossible to list all of our communication to the Mayor's office, some of his administrative staff, Council members, the local paper the Cape Breton Post, CBC reporters, Faculty members of Cape Breton University, other Politicians, etc.
On June 10, 2015, The Chronicle Herald featured an article that was written by Tom Ayers of their Cape Breton Bureau about Doug Lionais, a Cape Breton University business professor being upset at 'pressure' from the Mayor's office. He had criticized CBRM about the sale of Archibald's Wharf on the CBC Radio and later that day, the mayor's spokeswoman, Christian Lamey, wrote an email to David Rae, dean of the business school, and mentioned that a business professor had expressed an opinion that was "at odds" with what people had told the municipality and with the Ivany report on Nova Scotia's economy.
Mr. Lionais was shocked the mayor's office would attempt to do such a thing and referred to it as "the worst kind of top-down, slimy-politics pressure tactic by trying to silence all dissent."
In the article Mr. Lionais spoke about attitude and how there was a need to learn how to have a debate.
In 2011 we wrote approximately 150 members of the Faculty at Cape Breton University to inform them of our testimony posted on our website and it was only a few days later that Cape Breton University blocked our main email address.
We decided to write Mr. Lionais and some of his associates, to show them that they should practice what they preach about 'learning how to have a debate'. We used our personal email address for sending the email. We also copied the Mayor and senior members of his staff, Michael Merritt and Marie Walsh. We had already brought him up to date and emailed him copies of previous communication on a number of issues.
From: Andy G. van den Berg
Sent: Thu, 11 Jun 2015 11:15:22 -0200
Subject: Debate
Further to our recent emails we would like to point out our views on the word 'debate'.
Recently you were quoted in The Chronicle Herald as saying:
"There has been a lot of talk on social media.......saying, 'No, you can't be negative about this. You'll wreck the deal. We all have to be positive about this.' "I think that is such an un-healthy attitude for a community. We have to learn to have a debate."
We could not agree more. A good example is the time we first contacted a number of people at CBU to explain the cause of the sexual abuse scandals, but rather than accept our invitation to enter into dialogue they arranged to have our email address ( blocked and as a result the whole community is suffering. We understand the blocking part as 'religion' is part of your business at CBU. All there is left of the church community now is some elderly folks that as a result of traditions they were conditioned in, continue to be deceived by man-made doctrines (Matthew 15:9).
When Cecil Clarke became the Mayor of CBRM we reached out to him to show him how and by whom he had been deceived and since he did not believe in our 'spiritual' message and relied instead on his own wisdom, we continued to point out how he was deceiving all the people of Cape Breton as part of the 'natural' realm. You can follow our communication with him by reading the article 'Cape Breton, Nova Scotia' listed on our website
Their will be many additions added to the article in the near future and therefore encourage you to continue to visit our website and share it with your family and friends.
Like the religious community and as you will come to see for yourself, Cecil Clarke and the CBRM Council will continue to reap what they sow, as they refuse to acknowledge our message. It is the same for the news media.
What you refer to as 'debate' is the same what the media would refer to, as they only report what they want you to hear and they report in a manner how they want people to hear things. It is the only way they are able to attract advertisers. You are no different, for as soon as someone presents you with something that you are not able to understand (1 Cor. 2:14) you run the other way, or block their email address, as did The Chronicle Herald. As a result, all of creation groaneth and travaileth in pain (Romans 8:22).
Most people will tell you that we are living in changing times. The stronghold of religion is being pulled down. The Political landscape is changing, the Health-Care System is imploding, and if you speak with the people at the Cape Breton Post and The Chronicle Herald, they will inform you that their advertisers are putting their money elsewhere, and it has become more and more difficult to keep their operations going. You will actually come to see the day that they will be closed. That is not negative: That is just a 'Reality Check'.
Our message has not changed throughout the ages and what CBU wants to continue to communicate will not bring the people of Cape Breton to a greater understanding of the daily issues they grapple with, as a direct result of the choices the teachers at CBU make, along with the Politicians and the local media.
We just noticed an email from one of your colleagues that requested to have his name removed and his request will be honoured. Decisions like that will only keep people in darkness.
In His Service.
Andy & Dianne van den Berg -
The main objective of our website is to show mankind how and by whom they have deceived and what they must do to be able to return to the true and living God.
Our main concern has always been the people of Cape Breton and for that reason we decided to write the following about our recommendation to bring in the Auditor General to look into the business practices of a number of Companies.
From: Andy G. van den Berg
Sent: Thu, 11 Jun 2015 08:12:28 -0200
Subject: Auditor General
Considering the developing story and events in Cape Breton, there is only one way to get to the crux of the issue of accountability. As such we have contacted many people, including Scott MacQuarrie of the Cape Breton Post, Tom Ayer of The Chronicle Herald, the local CBC reporters, Billy Joe MacLean, Mayor of Port Hawkesbury and the key administrators for CBRM and have suggested that they recommend for the Auditor General to look into the business practices of Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation (ECBC), the former Cape Breton Development Corporation, ACOA and CBRM. It is our view that the people of Cape Breton have the right to know the truth how Politicians have run Cape Breton, in particular the fiscal aspect.
We welcome your questions.
Andy & Dianne van den Berg -
Following a 10-day trip to China by Harbor Port CEO Albert Barbusci and CBRM Mayor Cecil Clarke, it was announced that Harbor Port Development Partners, the consultants upon which the CBRM has bestowed the exclusive right to market the port of Sydney for development, had signed an agreement with China Communications Construction Company to undertake the design and construction of Sydney's container terminal including all required infrastructure.
The Chinese construction company has agreed to build the container terminal, depending on the results of a feasibility study to be conducted next year. If it proceeds, the project is expected to cost more than $1 billion and take several years to complete.
The development of Sydney Harbor has been a continuous conversation and you may have noticed that the issue has been mentioned earlier in this article. The decision by the Mayor to pursue the building of a billion dollar Container Terminal in Sydney is not only irresponsible but laughable and silly, and the sooner the Mayor abandons the idea and notion, the better it will be for the people of Cape Breton and the Province.
Before investing any further resources into the project, please consider that at one time there were three Pulp & Paper Mills operating in the Province. One Mill has already closed, while another has closed part of its operation, and we will not go into detail about the future of the industry. We do hope that Politicians have learned from past mistakes, for subsidizing failing industries and foolishly spending hundreds of millions of dollars (perhaps billions).
For all those that are familiar with the geographical size of Nova Scotia and to know that the Province already has two major Container Terminals in the City of Halifax, that operate less than 50% of their capacity, we decided to respond to a number of reports by the local Media, who once again only reported what they wanted people to hear.
From: Andy G. van den Berg
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2015 11:31 AM
To: Steve Murphy, Anchor, CTV News
Cc: Andy LeBlanc, Director of News and Public Affairs, CTV/ATV
Trent McGrath, VP and General Manager, Bell Media, Halifax
Joanne Clancy, Rick Grant, Bruce Frisko, Matt Woodman, CTV/ATV
Cecil Clarke, Mayor of CBRM
Michael Merritt, CAO, CBRM
Ray Paruch, Councillor, CBRM
Mae Rowe, Councillor, CBRM
Eldon MacDonald, Councillor, CBRM
Ivan Doncaster, Councillor, CBRM
Lowell Cormier, Councillor, CBRM
Anita DeLazzer, Publisher and General Manager, Cape Breton Post
Scott MacQuarrie, Sales and Marketing Director, Cape Breton Post
Nancy King, Reporter, Cape Breton Post
Tom Murphy, Anchor CBC Nova Scotia News
David Pate, Executive Producer of News and Current Affairs, CBC
Ron Kronstein, Senior Anchor Global Evening News, Halifax
Marlene Usher, CEO, Port of Sydney Development Corporation
Stephen McNeil, Premier of Nova Scotia
Jamie Baillie, Opposition Leader
Maureen McDonald, NDP
Ian Thompson, former Associate Publisher for The Chronicle Herald
John DeMont, Reporter for The Chronicle Herald
Laurel C. Broten, President & CEO, NSBI
Peter McAskill, COO, NSBI
Ron Henlon, President & CEO, Halifax Partnership
Ruth Cunningham, VP, Halifax Partnership
Bcc: 20 Individuals
Subject: As Cape Breton Turns
Before they spend a billion dollars in Cape Breton for a new Container Terminal they perhaps should consider spending it elsewhere. We previously raised the issue of a proposed container terminal in the article 'Cape Breton, Nova Scotia' listed on our website
Several articles have been written recently by Scott Taylor and Tom Ayers of The Chronicle Herald on the issue, and since the paper has blocked our email addresses for the last three years we did leave them with a voicemail message.
I just spoke with Calvin Whidden, President of Ceres Corp., one of the two Container Terminals in Halifax. He can be reached at 902-453-4590. As we already knew from our investigation a few years ago, both Terminals in Halifax run at less than 50% capacity. In fact the Ceres Terminal runs only at 30% capacity but for communication purposes Calvin suggested to use the less than 50% figures. He also informed me that both Terminals have approved drawings for future expansion and they would be able to double their capacity in two years in case the need arose. The cost of servicing a rail system in Cape Breton also needs to be taken into consideration.
Many people think that the issue of a proposed container terminal in Sydney, NS surfaced because of next year's municipal election. We all know how Politicians like to introduce many boxes of goodies during election time. However, considering all of the facts, it may be better served for CBRM to enhance their infrastructure in other areas, rather than a billion dollar container terminal they can ill afford and that is not required.
We welcome your questions.
In His Service.
Andy & Dianne van den Berg –
We emailed a copy of the above instalment to Albert Barbusci, CEO of Harbor-Port Development Partners on December 16, 2015.
In addition to all those we copied in the above email to Steve Murphy, we also included all the members of the CBRM Council, Michael Savage, the Mayor of Halifax, Billy Joe MacLean, the Mayor of Port Hawkesbury, Ray Ivany, President of Acadia University and the author of the Ray Ivany Report and Cape Breton reporters for CTV/ATV and the CBC.
To reiterate what we have attempted to explain before in this article: the solution for the people of Cape Breton is not in a Container Terminal as the Mayor seems to think, but rather the changing of spirits (repentance), which is the only solution and the way of salvation.
The following are copies of emails to Nancy Johnson , the incoming Publisher for the Cape Breton Post and Anita DeLazzer, the outgoing Publisher. The Cape Breton Post is owned by Transcontinental Media, a publishing company based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. TC Transcontinental is a subsidiary of Transcontinental Inc. which has operations in Canada and the United States.
Francois Oliver is the President of TC Transcontinental. Nelson Gentiletti, Brian Reid, Christine Desaulniers, Alain Gignac, Katya Laviolette, Sylvain Morisette, Ted Markle and Donald LeCavalier are also members of the Executive Team.
From: Andy G. van den Berg
Sent: Saturday, January 9, 2016 10:53 AM
To: Nancy Johnson
Cc: Nancy King, Francois Oliver, Nelson Gentiletti, Brian Reid, Christine Desaulniers, Alain Gignac, Katya Laviolette, Sylvain Morisette, Ted Markle, Donald LeCavalier, Anita Delazzer' Scott MacQuarrie, Chris Shannon, Cecil P. Clarke, Michael Merritt, Ian Thompson, John DeMont, Dan Leger, Jan Wong, Rachel Brighton, Gail Lethbridge, Ralph Surette, Bill Black, Graham Steele, David Upton, Andy Horsnell, Hal Higgins, Amy Smith, Steve Sutherland, David Burke, Tom Murphy, David Pate, Kyle Moore, Ryan MacDonald, Steve Murphy, Trent McGrath, Andy LeBlanc, Ron Kronstein, Michael J. Savage, Jim Meek, Noel Sampson, Kathy Purcell.
Subject: The future of the Political Landscape and the Media
Attachments: Ray Ivany Report & Engage Nova Scotia
Personal Service Contracts
(attachments are available upon request)
Nancy (Gidget),
As a member of the Transcontinental Media team we would like to welcome you to Cape Breton and Nova Scotia. When our children were growing up we used to spend as many of our summers as possible in Cape Breton (Ingonish area) and we still cherish the occasional trip.
You will soon learn that many things have changed in the last forty years, and not only in Cape Breton but also Nova Scotia, Canada and the world. We invite you to read the entry 'In nature Entropy will always prevail' (7th from the top)listed on the Current Events page of our website
We also invite you to read the article 'Influence of the Media' and then learn about the challenges The Chronicle Herald is facing. The article 'Cape Breton, Nova Scotia' explains the reasons for the many changes in Cape Breton, including the decline of the Print Media (Cape Breton Post). As has occurred many times throughout the course of history, we are living at a time where God is separating the wheat from the chaff (Matthew 3:12). It is also referred to as 'judgment time', during which many of this world's strongholds are being pulled down. All of this we have attempted to explain on our website.
As God has clearly shown in the past, His message could have made a difference to the people of Cape Breton and Nova Scotia, but Anita DeLazzer and Scott MacQuarrie, as our key contacts at the Cape Breton Post, have continued to remain ignorant of our voice, and as a result all of the people in Cape Breton are moaning and groaning, unless you are working for the Government of course.
Yes, as part of the Political and Media conspiracy in Nova Scotia, Anita DeLazzer, Publisher for The Cape Breton Post, requested at one time to even have her name removed from our mailing list. The Chronicle Herald has blocked our email addresses for the last three years and their fate is no surprise. The future will be no different for The Cape Breton Post and other media outlets as a result of the choices they have made.
It is our hope that you will review all the pages and articles listed on our website and then decide who is deceiving whom, and welcome any questions you may have.
Please note that a copy of this email will be added to the article 'Cape Breton, Nova Scotia'.
In His Service.
Andy & Dianne van den Berg –
From: Andy G. van den Berg
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2016 7:38 AM
To: Anita DeLazzer
Cc: Nancy King, Francois Oliver, Nelson Gentiletti, Brian Reid, Christine Desaulniers, Alain Gignax, Katya Laviolette, Sylvain Morisette, Ted markle, Donald LeCavalier, chris Shannon, Scott MacQuarrie, Nancy Johnson, Cecil P. Clarke, Michael Merritt, Mara Vizzutti, Teresa MacNeil, Amanda Tate
Subject: In Summary
Attachments: Ray Ivany Report & Engage Nova Scotia
Personal Service Contracts
(attachments are available upon request)
Just a few observations since you have left beautiful Cape Breton for Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.
Over the years we have explained your spiritual blindness and what you must do to return to the true and living God, but you would not listen to our voice.
The following is an excerpt from the article 'Influence of the Media' listed on our website
"Public opinion is dangerous because most public opinion is the view of the media. If the media do not like something, their bias taints information getting to the public, and this forms public opinion. Public opinion is never based on research and facts. The public uses the media for its sole source of information."
In our article Influence of the Media listed on our website we wrote the following.
"As a member of the local business community, the local newspapers are the most important element, as society is shaped by what it hears and reads and it is conditioned by the events that influence the mind of every person. You reap what you sow."
Since you refused to accept our many invitations to meet with us and allow us to explain the Mystery of God, you were unable to understand that, as the 'voice of Cape Breton', you became largely responsible for the way of life for the people of Cape Breton and are responsible for its current state.
In order that you do not make the same mistakes, and for the sake of the people in Moose Jaw and the Province of Saskatchewan, may we suggest that you do not allow yourself to be influenced by Religious and Political Leaders, Educators, etc., who do not know the way of God's righteousness, but rather that you come to understand the way of repentance and learn what 'real news' is that is able to bring understanding to the people on all social issues. Also please learn to discern between darkness and light (1 Cor. 2:14; Acts 26:18) according the Spirit of truth (John 14:17).
In case you ever get homesick, may we suggest you read the article 'Cape Breton, Nova Scotia' listed on our website. All of the other pages and articles listed on our website explain how and by whom you have been deceived. Without the Baptism of Repentance (Matthew 3:8; Mark 1:4; Luke 3:3) you will remain spiritually blind and the Word of God will forever remain a mystery to you (Romans 16:25).
Please know that we will always be here to answer any questions you may have.
In His Service.
Andy & Dianne van den Berg –
From: Andy G. van den Berg
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2016 7:30 AM
To: Cecil P. Clarke
Cc: Rankin MacSween; Marlene Usher; Michael Merritt; Douglas Milburn; LeRoy Peach; Nancy Johnson; Scott MacQuarrie; Marie Walsh; Billy Joe MacLean; Anita DeLazzer; Kevin Mattatall; Kevin Mattatall; Bruce Deyoung; Mark Tobin; Stephen McNeil; Jamie Baillie; Gary C. Burrill; Jonathan Dean; Bernie Miller; Danny Graham; Laura Lee Langley; Kristan Hines; Dan Leger; Rachel Brighton; Gail Lethbridge; Jim Meek; Bill Black; Graham Steele; Ralph Surette; Steve Murphy; Trent McGrath; Andy LeBlanc; Joanne Clancy; Randy Lennox; Mary Ann Turcke; Marilla Stephenson; Michelle L. Perry; John DeMont; Ingrid Bulmer; Wendell C. Wamboldt; Ruth Cunningham; Ron Hanlon; Laurel C. Broten; Peter MacAskill; Michael A. Pickup; Diana C. Whalen; Randy Delorey; Geoff MacLellan; Michael J. Savage; Judy Myrden; Nicholas Cox; Patrick Sullivan; Rod McPhail; Ray Ivany; Clarence Prince; Mae Rowe; Claire Detheridge; Eldon MacDonald; Ray Paruch; Ivan Doncaster; Kevin Saccary; George MacDonald; Lowell Cormier; Jim Macleod; Kathy MacIntyre; Ryan Grant; David Jackson; Byron Rafuse; Jacqueline Foster; Laurie Graham; Brian Flinn; Starr Dobson; Stan Kutcher; Alison Davidson; Jennifer Lewandowski; Cara Quigley; Sara Smysniuk; Kate Udle; Leo Glavine; Peter W. Vaughan; Tracy Kitch; Janet Knox; Nancy Waugh; David Pate; Tom Murphy; Ron Kronstein; Metro Halifax; Metro Halifax; Fram Dinshaw; Sean Previl; Bruce Lantz; Jordan Parker; Amanda Panacci; Andrea Gunn; Maria Panopalis; Ana Almeida; Bruce Frisko; Matt Woodman; Anthony Mancini; Cathy Driscoll; Brian Dunn; Paul Abbass; James Mallon; Terry O'Toole; Paul Wells; David Walmsley; Sylvia Stead; Phillip Crawley; Justin Trudeau; Geoff Regan; Scott Brison; Jane Philpott; Brian Carovillano; Malcolm Kirk; Scott Armstrong; Stephen Meurice; Andrew Lundy; Kristy Kirkup; Mike Blanchfield; Paul McGillivray; David Deane; Richard Russell; Cheryl Tschupruk; David Henderson; Patrick McGrath; Adam Cummins; Karin Walsh; Sandra Englehutt; John Ross; David Zitner; Richard Florizone; Hal Higgins; David Burke; Ryan MacDonald; Kyle Moore; Kevin Lacey; Frank McKenna; Ajantha Jayabarathan; Christina Lamey; Lyle Donovan; Brian Gallant; Wade MacLaughlin; Dwight Ball; John Rapson; Jeffrey Roy; Murray Coolican; Alice Aiken; Andy LeBlanc; Esmond Marshall; Darren Bruckschwaiger; Amanda MacDougall; Earlene MacMullin; Steve Gillespie; Kendra Coombes.
Subject: Spiritual Awareness
For four years we have invited you to accept our message of Repentance for the sake of the people of Cape Breton. You can read more about this in the article ‘Cape Breton, Nova Scotia’ listed on our website
As explained before, repentance means a lot more than what by nature you have been conditioned to believe. It means the changing of spirits; from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God (Acts 26:18). For a better understanding of this mystery, we invite you to review the ‘header’ displayed on every page of our website. By nature you were born in sin and have been conditioned therein. You have been deceived by the powers of darkness (Eph. 6:12) and through religious and man-made doctrines you have been made to believe that you are a child of God, while in truth you remain separated from Him (2 Cor. 11:13-15), as you follow after an image of a false god and a false Christ (Matthew 24:24). So, through your own self-righteousness you decided to ignore God’s voice and decided that the development of the Port of Sydney, Cruise Ships and a Railway was going to save the people of Cape Breton. You are a foolish man and God, most certainly, will destroy the wisdom of the wise (1 Cor. 1:19). The days of false dreams and the promises by Religious Leaders, Politicians, the Media and Health-Care Officials are slowly coming to an end. Unless a person has been in a deep sleep for the last fifty years, they are already able to witness the hopelessness of the Nations. For a reality check, may we suggest you talk to the people of Cape Breton and Nova Scotia, other than the Politicians and members of the Media of course.
Haiti is one of the poorest nations in the world with a population of 10.2 million people. An earthquake in 2010 killed 220,000 people and injured 300,000. It left 2.3 million people homeless. Recently hurricane Matthew battered the island and left it totally devastated and left almost 2.5 million people without food, homes, water and sanitation. If you think that the plight of the Haitian people has been deplorable and sad: consider the following. Do you suppose the people of Cape Breton are less sinners than the people of Haiti (Luke 13:1-5)? For a better understanding what it means to be a sinner, we invite you to read the article ‘What is Sin?’ listed on our website. Please remember that 80% of Haitians profess to be Catholic, while 10% profess to be Baptist, 4% Pentecostal, 4% Adventist and 2% others, who have all been deceived and who remain separated from God with the same veil that separates the people of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada or any other country of the world (2 Cor. 3:14,15). It is only when people turn to God for Repentance that the veil will be removed (Isaiah 25:7; 2 Cor. 3:16). The history of wars, concentration camps and the latest images from the humanitarian crisis in Sudan, the war in Syria and the destruction of the City of Aleppo, once a City of 2.5 million people, should be enough evidence that God is no respecter of persons/people (Deut. 10:17; 2 Chr. 19:7; Job 34:19; Matthew 22:16; Luke 20:21; Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; Gal. 2:6; Eph. 6:9; Col. 3:11,25; 1 Peter 1:17). Remember the devastation in Cape Breton just a week ago. Suppose, if it had rained like that for two days, three days, a week or even longer.
Jonah, the son of Amittai, reigned for 41 years from about 790 B.C. and was called by God to bring His message of Repentance to the people of Nineveh.
Nineveh was an ancient Assyrian city of Upper Mesopotamia, located in modern-day northern Iraq; it is on the eastern bank of the Tigris River, and was the capital of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. It was the largest city in the world for some fifty years until the year 612 BC when, after a bitter period of civil war in Assyria itself, it was sacked by an unusual coalition of former enemies, the Babylonians and the Chaldeans. Its ruins are across the river from the modern-day major city of Mosul, in the Ninawa Governorate of Iraq. It should be noted that once again Assyria is involved in a civil war and the next fight against ISIS will be for the City of Mosul. This latest historical development is confirmation that history always repeats itself, as mankind refuses to listen to God’s voice and message of Repentance. For a better understanding of the history and latest developments in the Middle East, we invite you to read the articles ‘World History and Developments in the Middle East’, ‘Clash of Civilizations’ and ‘Churchill Speech in 1899 on Islam Proven True’ listed on our website
You can follow the story in the Book of Jonah of the Word of God. The people of Nineveh believed in Jonah’s message and they proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth. We are not telling people to put on sackcloth, but to listen and accept our message should be a number one priority. Even the king of Nineveh published a decree and proclaimed for everyone to turn from their evil ways. God saw their works and Nineveh was saved. It was not until a hundred years later that Nineveh was destroyed, as the people had once again turned away from God and His teachings.
Through the Cape Breton Post and other forms of Media you would have been able to communicate our message,and now that you have been re-elected as Mayor for CBRM it is our hope that you will revisit our message of Repentance. As a result of your spiritual blindness and separation from God, you are not aware that you are not even upholding the first three laws of the ten commandments, and in Jesus Christ we have much more than the law. During your tenure the last four years you have ignored our message and as a result the way of life has become more challenging for the people of Cape Breton and continues to separate the people of Cape Breton from the only true and living God. It is similar to the the way the McNeil Government is leading the rest of the Province. Consider the Cape Breton Post as the voice of Cape Breton, and the ‘Opinions’ of their Reporters and Columnists, e.g. LeRoy Peach, Kevin Mattatall, etc., that deceive and mislead the people of Cape Breton with falsehood. As the Mayor of CBRM and through your open line of communication with Anita DeLazzer (recently retired) and Nancy Johnson, Publishers for the Cape Breton Post, you could have changed all that. Starting a new mandate now as the Mayor for CBRM, we do hope that you will reconsider and accept our message of Repentance that will lead Cape Breton into a new direction. Unless you take our message serious, the Decline and Fall of Cape Breton (and the Province) will continue.
The situation with the McNeil Government is the same as in Cape Breton. Stephen McNeil and his staff have the same open line of communication with The Chronicle Herald and as a result the Decline and Fall of the Province will continue and go the same way as The Chronicle Herald. Stephen McNeil’s obsession with the Ray Ivany Report and his collaboration with Bernie Miller, Danny Graham and Ian Thompson, the former Associate Publisher for the paper, along with Sarah Dennis, the Publisher, and Mark Lever, the President, the efforts to improve the Economy and the Now or Never Campaign will all come up empty. Most people recognize that it already has. We invite you to read the entry ‘Nations’ Welfare (Economy) not determined by Man’ listed on the Current Events page of our website. It would have been better served if they had put the millions of dollars into Health-Care or Education, rather than trying to keep The Chronicle Herald in business, which was a devious, irrational and not a very effective plan. It was amateurism displayed at the highest level to deceive the people of Nova Scotia about the true state of the Economy and other social issues. It only cost the tax-payers of Nova Scotia a lot of money and there really should be laws to protect the people against the spread of Political Corruption, self-serving Politicians and a bias Media. Believe it or not, there are but that is a story for another day.
As a result of your continuous decision to ignore our message, all of Cape Breton has been cursed (Malachi 4), and its people will be unable to hear the Word of God, as you took pleasure in the pursuit of unrighteousness as the Mayor of CBRM for the last four years (2 Thess. 2:10-12). The famine that God has spread throughout the land is not a famine of bread, nor a thirst of water, but of hearing the words of the Lord (Amos 8:6; 1 Samuel 3:1; 28:6,15; Psalm 74:9; Ezekiel 7:26; Micah 3:6).
Please note that a copy of this email will be added to the article ‘Cape Breton, Nova Scotia’ listed on our website.
Seek, and ye shall find (Matthew 7:7).
In His Service.
Andy & Dianne van den Berg –
Cecil P. Clarke was elected mayor for the Cape Breton Regional Municipality on October 20, 2012 and was re-elected in 2016.
Clarke embarked on his political career in 2001. He served in the Executive Council of Nova Scotia in different portfolios. He was also Speaker of the House of Assembly of Nova Scotia from June 2006 to October 2007.
On February 1, 2018, he announced he was gay, after someone threatened to expose his personal life and shame him. On February 3, 2018, he announced that he was seeking the leadership of the Nova Scotia Progressive Conservative Party.
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