
California on Fire

The following was our message to Jerry Brown, Governor of California on September 15, 2015. Our message was posted as part of the entry 'Wildfires and Floods' listed on the Current Events page of this website.

The entry also lists our message to Nikki  R. Haley and Pat McCrory, at the time Governors of the Carolina States, concerning the Floods effecting their States.

From: Andy G. van den Berg
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 9.47 AM
To: Jerry Brown Cc's: Senior contacts at the different Media Networks, i.e. CNN, Fox News, Bell Media/CTV, CBC, etc.
Subject: California on Fire could have been avoided


A year ago we contacted your office in the hope that you would listen to our message but since you ignored our message more than a thousand homes have gone up in flames and tens of thousands of acres have been destroyed. Along with the wildfires the State of California is experiencing its worst drought in over five hundred years. The following is an excerpt of the article 'False Apostles and False Christs' listed on our website which we also communicated to you.

“Most of the aged electrical infrastructure will collapse and governments will no longer be able to provide the resources to feed the system people have relied on. As a result, many people will no longer be able to rely on the use of heating systems, computers, air conditioners, etc., etc. Cities that mankind has built in desert area's (Las Vegas, Phoenix, Palm Desert, Palm Springs, etc.) will lay waste, golf courses will turn brown and become part of the surrounding landscape, while million dollar homes and estates will become worthless structures.”
We do invite you to read the complete article.

We don’t know what you are waiting for but perhaps you are waiting for all of California to dry up or go up in flames. It is similar to the message(s) we have communicated to our religious and political leaders along with the media where we reside. They are simply not interested in any solutions, e.g. they continue to ignore any solution to the imploding Health-Care System.

The following is an excerpt from the article 'Natural Disasters' listed on our website.

“One of our earliest contacts was CTV Atlantic, a system of four television stations in the Canadian Maritimes, owned and operated by the CTV Television Network, a division of Bell Media.

Mr. Steve Murphy, Senior News Editor & Anchor for CTV Atlantic has been a regular recipient of our communications and the work of our Ministry. Even though we explained the root-causes of the sexual abuse scandals in the Province of Nova Scotia and elsewhere more than twenty years ago, they continued to interview those that are spiritually blind and as such continued to deceive all of its listeners. For more than twenty years they have refused to listen to the truth and our message of repentance, as it was preached by Christ and the Apostles.

On May 28, 2009 we forwarded an e-mail to Mr. Jay Witherbee, Director of News for CTV Atlantic and his colleagues and communicated the following message.

Dear Sir,

We recently learned about your position as Director of News for the Atlantic Region and we would think in this position you should be able to pull a few strings along the way.

We have communicated the message of our Ministry to the people of this world for over twenty years including your own Mr. Steve Murphy. For example: you will find his name as a 'cc' in the article 100 Huntley Street, dated October 14, 1991, posted on our website

A small summary of our previous communication will show and prove that all the things we have spoken of in the past have been the truth.

  1. Modern religion as mankind has known it is finished. Just consider all of the scandals that have surfaced the last thirty years. I was just reading this morning that in Ireland tax-payers have already paid almost all of the $1.5 Billion USD legal bill for 14,000 abuse settlements.
  2. Governments and political authorities are collapsing as a result of scandals and over-spending and economies world-wide are being affected.
  3. The Medical Profession has already collapsed. It is finished and any attempt to rebuild it will be futile.
  4. The Business Community (incl. the Media and the Legal Profession) is no longer able to provide security for the people of the nations.
  5. Sports and Entertainment are collapsing as a result of the many scandals, and companies are no longer are able to afford sponsorship. Some people are dishing out $75,000 (including food and refreshments we hope) to play nine holes of golf at Fox Harbour Resort (Nova Scotia) with Tiger Woods, while many people in the province go without a proper roof over their head, food, heat, proper health-care, etc., etc. It cannot survive.

We have explained to your Mr. Murphy the very reasons why all these things are happening. The events described above are not just coincidental but are part of God's judgment on the people of this world as they do not want to believe in His message of Repentance. For a better understanding what it means to repent, we invite you to review and study the article Repent listed on our website.”

We do invite you to read the complete article and look forward to answer any questions you may have regarding the issues you face in California.

In His Service.

Andy & Dianne van den Berg –

We recently reminded all those we copied with our message just two years ago, but our telephone has yet to ring. One would think that with the catastrophic destruction in the last two month in Texas, Florida, the Caribbean, the tragedy in Las Vegas and now in California someone would start asking questions about the cause of the Current Events.

To give you a better understanding of the Times we live in we invite you to review the many entries on the Currents Events page and Articles listed on this website.  

Please remember that the earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof; and the world, and they that dwell therein. (Exodus 9:29; Deut. 10:14; Psalm 24:1; 1 Cor. 10:26. The battle that signifies the Times we live in is all Spiritual, as we continue to wrestle not against flesh and blood , but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world and against spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph. 6:12).

Seek, and ye shall find (Matthew 7:7).

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