
Doctors Nova Scotia

The following emails detail our communication with Doctors Nova Scotia about the future of the Imploding Health-Care System.

Please do read the Footnote at the bottom of this entry, as it puts the Health-Care System, and man's desperate effort to save it in a 'spiritual' perspective.

Manoj Vohra is the President of Doctors Nova Scotia. Its membership represents over 3,500 physicians, including practising and retired physicians, medical students and residents. The CEO and Director of the Organization were also copied.

For more than 30 years we have attempted to show people how and by whom they have been deceived and what they must do to be reunited with the only true and living God. Since the Health-Care System has been fully exposed, and Manoj Vohra, as President of Doctors Nova Scotia, ignored our invitation to explain the Mystery of God and declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His message of Repentance, our communication with Doctors Nova Scotia concludes our Health Care System Communication File.

Like the other strongholds of this world they will be left to their own devices. There will be no more excuses and as always God's judgment will prevail (Proverbs 1:31; Jer. 18:11).

A complete copy of our file and our communications on the subject is available upon request by emailing us at

The communication of this entry is listed in chronological order.

From: Andy G. van den Berg
Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2017 10:31 AM
To: Manoj Vohra
Cc: Nancy MacCready-Williams ; Charmaine Smith ; Romesh Shukla ; Barbara O'Neil ; Ajantha Jayabaratha ; Richard Florizone ; John Ross ; Jim Vibert ; Dan Leger ; Paul Schneidereit

Subject: Suggestion

Attached: Health Care System Communication.

A complete copy of our file and our communications on the subject is available upon request by emailing us at


We do hope that you will take the opportunity to have dialogue with your colleagues about the History of the Imploding Health-Care System and the efforts you are all trying to make to improve the quality of Health-Care. As Doctors you must recognize that the System is driven by one issue and that is the need by people to assist and cure them from their afflictions, sicknesses and illnesses.

In the mid seventies I worked for a Company and we were asked to develop a glossary of terms to help us understand the introduction of computers in our work environment. My submission for a definition for a ‘System’ is one that still holds true today: A System is a planned method in a controlled environment with enforced disciplines.

Keeping the above definition in mind and the issue that is driving the system, you can understand why the system has collapsed. People are getting sicker and sicker which is putting more demand on the system. The following is the second entry of the Current Events page of our website. It was posted in 2005, shortly after we launched our website earlier that year.

Nova Scotia, Canada
John Hamm, the premier of the Province of Nova Scotia in Canada, recently stated that if the Province fails to contain rising health care spending, it will take up 100 percent of the provincial budget by 2025.

Please read more on this in the book 'A World Deceived' under the chapter 'The Future'.

John Hamm understood the needs of the people and the numbers better than anyone else, as he had the experience as a Family Doctor.
Well we know that John Hamm was right but nobody paid attention. There are no solutions and for that reason Health-Care Officials, Politicians and the Media are all grasping for straws, as their efforts continue to be all in vain. This has to do with what is called ‘Agnotology’ and invite you to read the following Link:

There is not much more that we can do, but will make every effort to reach out to the people of Nova Scotia and will get back to you later next week with a suggestion that hopefully you will take in consideration. We will keep this communication only with the people that are listed in this email.

In His Service.

Andy & Dianne van den Berg –

From: Andy G. van den Berg
Sent: Thursday, January 4, 2018 8:29 AM
To: Manoj Vohra


Subject: The Truth about the Future of Health-Care

Attached: Health Care System Communication  

Manoj Vohra is the President of Doctors Nova Scotia. Its membership represents over 3,500 physicians, including practising and retired physicians, medical students and residents. The CEO and Director of the Organization were also copied.


In case you were not aware, Politicians and the Media will not inform you of the future of Health-Care, as they don’t want the people to know.

Politicians will create misleading stories in such a way that it creates favorable opinion and votes for their respective Parties. On the other hand the Media is in the business of selling advertising and generating money/profit, and will only publish the facts on social issues what they want people to hear. Articles by AJ and other columnists on Health-Care are a good example. Their objective is to remain positive no matter what, and if they can’t be positive blame it on somebody else or something – the NSHA or Politicians. They will never tell you the truth because they are blinded from it by their natural spirit. Please read this Link:

We have seen the future of the state of the Nations, including the Health-Care System and it is not a pretty picture. We gave you an insight into ‘The Problematic World Order in a Changing World’ in the article ‘The True Christ vs the False Christs’. Link:

One of the silliest things in the news recently was the call for an inquiry into the killings by a former soldier in order to prevent future events. They will spend millions of dollars and will not be able to prevent such future events. It has nothing to do with PTSD, as all things are considered ‘spiritual’. Like the Ray Ivany Report on the Economy it will result in ‘nothing’, but at least the Government is able to convince the people they are doing/trying something. Did the men and women that came back from the first and second world war ever talk about or hear make mention of PTSD? My father-in-law spent four years in Europe as part of the Canadian Military between 1940 and 1944 and lost a foot during the war, but he and his friends never heard of PTSD. It is a man-made term promoted by Politicians and people like Peter Stoffer and the Military, and it was not until 1980 that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) added PTSD to the third edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III) nosologic classification scheme. PTSD is an excuse for the state of the human mind, not a disease.

We are living at a time in history that everything that has been covered will be revealed, and everything that has been hidden will be made known (Matthew 10:26).

Since Sarah Dennis owns the paper ‘The Casket’ in Antigonish; do you think she will ever publish a story and put the blame of the sexual abuse on the leaders of the church and for misleading the members of the church about the cause of those hideous crimes? Will she ever publish the reasons for the decline of the church and the Diocese of Antigonish? Surely not! But not to worry, she may as well publish it, as eventually people will learn about the truth anyway, despite the fact they have blocked all of our communication for the last five years. When the Pope continues to pray for Peace and there never is any (Jer. 6:14; 8:11), eventually people are going to catch on. Does he teach them about Repentance? It is the key principle of all of the teachings of Jesus Christ and the axiom (basis) of the Word of God and a prerequisite and primary requirement for the salvation of mankind. The Pope is unable to preach repentance, as he is spiritually blind and separated from God and does not know what it means to repent. Link:  People will know that something is not quite right, as every time he prays for Peace there is more conflict. Please review this Link on the subject: Mankind has been blinded for a long time, but we are living at a time in history that God is providing people with a new set of glasses to look through, and they will be able to see things more clearly and ‘The Casket’ will eventually become the item it deserves to be: Good for the trash can.

We are telling you all this to show you that Politicians and the Media cannot be trusted, especially in Nova Scotia. They are self-serving and only look after their own personal interests and religious ideologies as it relates to social issues. Their twisted-minded doctrines are misleading all the people of Nova Scotia. The sick religious environment in Antigonish and Cape Breton and the cover-up of the real issues behind the sexual abuse is a good example. While they allow church leaders to write articles for their local papers on a regular basis to promote their man-made and false doctrines about their idols and false gods, they will make every effort to suppress our message, which is according to the Spirit of truth (John 14:17). The Media and Politicians have deliberately done everything in their power to control ‘Public Opinion’ and in their efforts have destroyed the way of life for the people of Nova Scotia and negatively impacted issues like ‘Health-Care’, by failing to report the truth and the real issues that impact the Health-Care System. Like the people, the Doctors have also become the victim and for that reason it is our hope that you will hear our and respond to our message.

Have Politicians explained to your Organization the negative impact of the legalization of marijuana on the Health-Care System or how many babies will be born THC-positive? All they look at is the dollar signs ($$$) while babies come crying into their new world. New parents - get ready for your crying babies, and then see your doctor to find out what is wrong with your baby. In one Colorado hospital, 50% of newborn babies tested had marijuana in their system, and nurses have problems dealing with babies that are continuously crying. What else are Politicians and the Media hiding from the members of your Organization and the people? You would think that they had learned their lesson with the Opioid Drug Abuse Crisis. Did you have a chance and watch the Year-End Interviews by members of the Media of our Politicians? That would make anyone sick and cry!

Since mankind prefers darkness over light (John 3:19), we will not have to communicate the message, God will show mankind and the world how they have been deceived. For The Chronicle Herald, Stephen McNeil and St. Mary’s University to block our communication has been their biggest mistake and their darkest hour. However, there is always a chance that some of the crafty reporters from the Canadian or Associated Press will write the ‘truth’ and then The Saltwire Network will be able to purchase it for all their papers.

The downfall of The Mystery Babylon (the Catholic Church) is imminent, as is the collapse of the Health-Care System. You can add more Doctors to serve the medical needs of every person in Nova Scotia, but the fact is that people will place such a demand on the System that they will not be able to save the System and eventually 100% of the Provincial Budget will be taken up by Health-Care. We invite you to read the following Link: Is the Health-Care System prepared for Cancer Cases to rise 57% in the next twenty years? We assume the WHO didn’t make that up and we know that John Hamm didn’t lie also. Please read:

We do hope that you will share this communication with the members of your organization. As you will note, we copied a few more people since our earlier email, that we decided needed to be made aware of this communication. The people we have copied with this email all decided to ignore our message in the past, and before we enter into any dialogue how Doctors Nova Scotia should deal with our message and how to improve the Health-Care System, we would like to know if you are interested in a Godly and the only workable solution? We suggest we start with a personal meeting at our residence. If we have not received a reply by January 15, 2017, we will assume that you also have decided to remain silent, and as the President and spokesperson for Doctors Nova Scotia that you have decided to ignore our message as well. At that time we will share our message with others to show them how and by whom they have been deceived, and include it with our Health Care System Communication File (see copy attached).

Please advise us of your intention and we will look forward to hearing from you. Before making a final decision, please do remember that in the world you will not find a solution for the Imploding Health-Care System, including the Imploding Mental Health Crisis, the Imploding Opioid Drug Abuse Crisis and the newly invented PTSD Crisis, and you certainly will not find one by speaking with Politicians, Religious Leaders, the Media or University Educators.

Please note that we have added ‘2018 – The Acceptable Year of the Lord’ to the Current Events page of our website. Link:

Seek, and ye shall find (Matthew 7:7).

In His Service.

Andy & Dianne van den Berg –

From: Andy G. van den Berg
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2018 7:17 AM
To: Manoj Vohra
Cc: Nancy MacCready-Williams ; Charmaine Smith ; Sarah Dennis ; Mark Lever ; Bob Martel ; Robert MacNeill ; Bill Black ; Jim Vibert ; Paul Schneidereit ; Ajantha Jayabaratha ; Richard Florizone ; John Ross ; Randy Delorey ; Stephen McNeil ; John DeMont ; Darren Steeves ; Kevin Mattatall ; Kevin Mattatall ; Carl Fleming ; Tom Urbaniak ; Dale Keefe ; Neale Bennet ; Nancy Johnson ; Scott MacQuarrie ; Barbara O'Neil ; Romesh Shukla ; Linda Courey ; Stan Kutcher ; Starr Cunningham ; Rudolf Uher

Subject: Health-Care System Improvements - A Matter of Choice

Manoj Vohra is the President of Doctors Nova Scotia. Its membership represents over 3,500 physicians, including practising and retired physicians, medical students and residents. The CEO and Director of the Organization were also copied.


Further to our earlier email of January 4, 2018, please be aware that to ignore our message will not enhance your quest to improve the Health-Care System, and therefore we look forward to hearing from you to arrange for a visit with us. Approximately 2800 years ago Nineveh, the largest City in the world at that time, was saved from destruction by the Babylonians, Medes, Chaldeans and Persians, as the Ninevites and their King embraced God’s message of Repentance (Jonah 3:1-10). God is real and does listen to all those that hear His voice (Isaiah 49:1; John 8:47; 1 John 4:6; 5:15), and to all those that seek his perfect will (Matthew 7:21-24; Romans 12:2).

It is our continuous hope for all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4). Through the Baptism of Repentance every person can come to know the statutes and precepts of the only true and living God. The personal choice you make will dictate the ‘Life’ you live. Without the Baptism of Repentance (Matthew 3:8; Mark 1:4; Luke 3:3) you will remain spiritually blind and separated from God and the Word of God will forever remain a mystery to you, which was kept secret since the world began (Matthew 13:35; Mark 4:11; Romans 16:25; 1 Cor. 2:7; Eph. 3:3-9; Col. 1:26; Rev. 10:7).

We invite you to study what it means to Repent, as it means a lot more than what by nature you have been conditioned to believe. In your natural state you are separated from God and are not able to understand (1 Cor. 2:14) that the right choice will make a difference for all the people of Nova Scotia, just as it did for the Ninevites, or the Israelites five hundred and twenty years earlier. Rather than embracing the Politicians and the Media, who are not able to offer a solution for the Imploding Health-Care System, it is time to embrace our message. It is all a matter of choice and the choice is yours, as it is for all those we copied. You can truly make a difference for the people of Nova Scotia.

A columnist for The Chronicle Herald recently wrote about “The consequences of our choices”, and he concluded his column with ”So watch your step. Because it’s a minefield out there.” We wish to remind the columnist that ‘the minefield’ is what man has created through the strongholds of this world, including the Media. The Health-Care System is a big mine to avoid and ready to explode as people step on it. A Nation without God is a fallen Nation, and this is what has become of the Nations of this world. During the last forty years, the Health-Care System has become a greater stronghold than Religion. As explained on numerous occasions, we are living at a time in the history of mankind that God is sifting the wheat from the chaff and exposing the foundations that man has built on (Amos 9:9; Matthew 22:31).

People are slowly learning that there is no salvation in the man-made and religious doctrines of this world, as they follow after an image of a false god and a false Christ (Matthew 24:24; 2 Cor. 11:13-15). People’s beliefs and hope in the Medical Profession will even take precedent over any religious beliefs, as the Medical Profession has become the new security blanket the moment they become ill. However, people’s only hope should not be in the Medical Profession but in the love of God and the message we communicate. People no longer have to walk through a minefield, as the walk with God and Jesus Christ is not grievous. He will protect all those that seek His ways from stepping on any mines that they will encounter during their journey of Repentance, and also help them overcome their physical afflictions (Psalm 34:19: Hebrews 12:11-13; 1 John 5:5; Rev. 3:18). His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:30; 1 John 5:5). For the believers and followers of the living God – Jesus Christ is their Physician (Matthew 9:11).

And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me (Matthew 11:6).

Seek, and ye shall find (Matthew 7:7).

In His Service.

Andy & Dianne van den Berg –

Footnote: The collapse of the Health-Care System and the attempts by mankind to save it are the works of men's hands and all in vain, and also confirms that the wisdom of the wise and this world is foolishness with God (Isaiah 29:14; 1 Cor. 1:19-21).

The following is an excerpt from the article 'The True Christ vs False Christs' and details the times we live in and the time of God's judgment. It should be noted that most of the issues listed below have demonstrated and manifested itself for the most part during the last forty years as part of a deteriorating world.

The Problematic World Order in a Changing World

Matthew 7:7,8. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

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