(The News Herald, December 17, 2011)
As many as 20,000 children endured sexual abuse at Dutch Catholic institutions over the past 65 years, and church officials failed to adequately address it or help the victims, according to a long-awaited report released recently.
The findings detailed some of the most widespread abuse yet linked to the Roman Catholic Church, which has been under fire for years over abuse allegations in Europe, the United States and elsewhere.
The abuse ranged from "unwanted sexual advances" to rape, and abusers numbered in the hundreds and included priests, brothers and lay people who worked in religious orders and congregations. The number of victims who suffered abuse in church institutions, likely lies somewhere between 10,000 and 20,000, according to the probe, which went back as far as 1945.
The investigating commission received some 1,800 complaints of abuse at Catholic schools, seminaries and orphanages. It then conducted the broader survey of 34,000 people for a more comprehensive analysis of the scale and nature of sexual abuse of minors in the church and elsewhere.
The commission behind the investigation was set up last year by the Catholic Church under the leadership of a former government minister; Wim Deetman, a Protestant, who said there could be no doubt that church leaders knew of the problem. "The idea that people did not know there was a risk…. is untenable," he told a news conference.
For twenty six years we have reached out to the people of this world with the Spirit of truth (John 14:17), to show how and by whom they have been deceived (Rev. 12:9; 2 Cor. 11:13-15).
We invite you to read the many articles that you will find on this website that will explain the causes of sexual abuse in the churches, universities, etc., etc. and also explain what spirit the religions of this world serve.
The articles 'The Mystery Babylon' and 'Popes and the Princes of This World' will explain the history of the Catholic Church and the foundation it was built on.
Printed From https://www.aworlddeceived.ca/current-events#dutch