
Jesuits pay $166M in Record Settlement for sex abuse

(March 25, 2011)

In the largest settlement between a religious order and abuse victims, 500 people who reported sexual and psychological abuse by Jesuit priests in five states, will receive $166.1 million in damages from the Society of Jesus' Pacific Northwest chapter of the Roman Catholic Church's and its insurers, the Washington State Association of Justice said in a statement.

The payout by the Society of Jesus, Oregon Province -- part of an agreement to resolve its two-year-old bankruptcy case -- marks one of the biggest settlements to date in the church's sexual abuse scandals.

The abuse occurred between the 1940s and 1990s at Jesuit-operated mission and boarding schools on Indian reservations in Washington, Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and Oregon. For some children the abuse began when they were as young as 6 or 7. The settlement also asks the Jesuits to provide a written apology to the victims as well as share personal documents such as personal medical records.

They call themselves the Society of Jesus. Is this the same Jesus that came into the world to bring life and to save the world (John 6:33), or did they steal His name (John 10:1-13) and follow after a false Christ (Matthew 24:24)? In truth – what spirit do they really serve (Luke 9:55; John 8:34)!

Our Ministry has attempted to show the people of this world what spirit they serve and what is behind the veil of the history of sex abuse and these hideous crimes involving young children. Even though sexual abuse in the churches started to become almost daily news some thirty years ago, it has been an integral part of the history of religion for thousands of years. It just happened to be hidden throughout the ages but as promised by God Himself: there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known (Matthew 10:26).

For a better understanding of the root of the problem of sexual abuse and the issues that continue to separate mankind from the true and living God and also how this whole world has been deceived (Rev. 12:9) we invite you to read all the pages and articles of this website.

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