
The Rise and Fall of Tiger Woods

The last twenty five years we have witnessed the downfall of religious leaders that has included archbishops, bishops, ministers, priests, etc. etc. of every denomination. We have witnessed the downfall of leaders of mega-churches and the evangelical movement. Don't let us forget the downfall and scandals involving political leaders, people involved with Wall Street, the legal profession and the business community. We have seen the collapse of the medical health services system and many of the industrialized and developed countries are on the verge of bankruptcy along with many of its lending institutions and banking systems.

There have also been numerous scandals involving local community leaders and the drug war has expanded into every corner of the globe. People can witness the scandals and downfall of those involved in the sports and entertainment industry on a daily basis. The adult entertainment industry has now grown to the largest single industry in the world and images and material available on the Internet has presented the largest single threat to the moral principles of the nations. The Rise and Fall of Tiger Woods should come as no surprise to those that have any understanding of the natural and the spiritual body (1 Cor. 15:44).

Two thousand years ago our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ spoke the following words and as recorded in Luke 9:55: Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. Our ministry has attempted to show mankind what spirit mankind serves including Tiger Woods. Soon after he confessed to his transgressions, we contacted him through his agent Mark Steinberg and offered free and confidential spiritual counseling in the hope that it would open his eyes and show Tiger Woods and his wife what spirit caused his "Rise and Fall" and that he would come to the understanding of the only true and living God through our message of repentance.

For a better understanding why anyone would refuse free and confidential spiritual counseling and rather spend hundreds of millions of dollars and be a witness to his own personal destruction, we invite you to review and read all of the pages and articles of this website, especially the article Glenn Beck - Fox News and our communications to him of December 1, 2 and 3, 2009. Recently he announced on his show that he could see the light at the end of the tunnel in 2010, while he is not aware that the only hope for the people of this world is our message of repentance and therefore we encourage every man, woman and child to seek the ways of the true and living God. Please read the article Repent on this website for its true meaning, as it is not what mankind has been conditioned to believe.

Recently Larry King from CNN asked Donald Trump for his advice on Tiger Woods. Donald Trump's advice is not able to help anyone but is after the wisdom and knowledge of this world (1 Cor. 2:4-16) and after the principalities and powers of this world that leads to the destruction of mankind (Eph. 6:12). Shows like Larry King Life. Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Phil, Glenn Beck, Russ Limbaugh, etc., etc. are after the spirit of mankind and this world and mislead all of mankind.

We also invite you to read the article Influence of the Media listed on this website. Hopefully it will give you a better understanding why the media takes pleasure in reporting on the Rise and Fall of Tiger Woods and other celebrities but how they refuse to report the only message of hope and how it could deliver them and all of mankind from the spirit of this world. Please read the article Victory Over Sin on this website.

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